Bangkok Bank Company, which the largest bank in Thailand, has succeeded in the finance institute and has been the leader in Thailand. It situated since 1948. The company faced with many crises such as political crisis, economic crisis and more. Bangkok Bank has a strong organisation and the employees who are selected with the good public presentation. Furthermore, the company has a leader who has many experiences and good visions. Therefore the company can go through the crisis by strong organisation.

Consequently, the company is the service company ; the employees are the chief factor that runs concern in the high competitory market. There are many developing plan for give the cognition about the merchandise, service, analyze fiscal, and etc. Bangkok Bank separates 8 sections which are the corporate, commercial, concern, consumer, international banking, exchequer, SAM/recovery and investing banking to administer the hazard and derive the net income. There are many sections, so the employees are expected to drive the companies to high competitory and prevent company from the external environment that altering follows the economic.

How to develop the organisation

Bangkok Bank is the immense organisation ; the scheme which prepares to alterations is the employees.

It emphasizes about a flexible in organisation and dressed ores in the changing of economic or political, later developing classs are chief factor that responses the aim in the organisation. Bangkok Bank creates the scheme that rotates the employees to difference sections to larn the system of work when they know the whole image in the organisation. They will use the cognition to develop the company. Particularly, the crisis that happens instantly is the step capableness of employees. Bangkok Bank starts the scheme by choice the hi-potential employees join the undertaking that prepare for state of affairs changed they train the employees to confront the difference state of affairs and how to be a leader and accommodate the company to run concern under force per unit area. Furthermore, they have to revolve in difference section in order to see the job in the present, predict the state of affairs in the hereafter and learn in difference accomplishments.

Bangkok Bank concentrates in the planning measure because it is the first measure for every scheme. The scheme will run smooth, if it is planned with the right information and the good contriver. Furthermore, the leader in organisation has many capablenesss and good visual image in the concern. When the company faces with bad state of affairs, the leader can utilize the staff to work out the jobs and launch new schemes to decide that state of affairs. Furthermore, the company has the good teamwork in every section.

They drive the company in the high competitory.

Hamburger crisis in Thailand and consequence with Bangkok Bank

ThanetKongprasert ( no day of the month ) mentioned about Hamburger Crisis in 2008 when Lehman Brothers, the universe & A ; acirc ; ˆ™s 4th largest investing bank, declared bankruptcy, and the U.S. Federal Reserve rushed to the deliverance of the fiscal system by supplying the universe & A ; acirc ; ˆ™s largest insurance company, American International Group ( AIG ) . Many finance institutes got the consequence because they invested in stock and bond in Lehman Brother and AIG that got the strong evaluation.

The crisis blighting the U.S. fiscal establishments caused amendss to the Thai fiscal establishments which invested on abroad. Thai commercial Bankss maintained foreign investing. Their investing in foreign bonds besides had a portion of merely 13 per cent of their overall formal foreign loans.

In add-on, the bulk of Thai commercial Bankss invested in government-insured foreign recognition instruments and had to some range reduced the hazards which might be incurred.This instance was an disconnected and critical pandemonium in the planetary fiscal market. Stock marketguides all over the universe made rapid beads, whereas the planetary liquidness badly shortened. Bangkok Bank was the 1 that invested in the stock and got the consequence from that crisis. Bangkok Bank stocks decreased about two times from antecedently the state of affairs.

However, the strong organisation adjusted new scheme to better that utilize the employees found fiscal beginning from the people by increasing involvement and making the new societal financess to the market. Under the first-class leader, Bangkok Bank built the squads from difference section to derive the fund from people that the large beginning in the market. The ways that solved the jobs were created by the employees who that got the preparation class and acclimatise instantly with the state of affairss and the leader who made a determination with the long vision. After that Bangkok Bank Stock was continue increasing from about 50 ticals in 2008 to over 100 ticals per stock in 2009.

Hence, the company adjusted the scheme from the crisis. It would last in the competitory and derive the benefit from the market. Many Bankss around the universe could non better the scheme and insolvent.

Human Resource Management

Taylor Francis ( 2008 ) identifies that troubled with the turning function of strategic human resource direction in a fast-changing planetary environment, focuses on coming activities in human resource direction, pulling on experiential research in the countries of strategic direction, international concern, organisational behaviour, forces direction and industrial dealingss that ascend from altering crisis, high competition, new theory of direction, market mix, altering the engineering and globalization.

John Bratton ( 1999 ) cites that the economic alterations taking topographic point in the planetary economic system have important concerns for human resource direction. Economic alteration will finally command the human resource direction method taken by direction and subsequent human resource direction consequences. If the companies select to whole complete service invention and merchandise are high quality. Then human resource direction influence flows from the demand to construct a extremely adept and committed work force. Bangkok Bank is the instance survey that presents the human resource direction with the altering crisis.

The company passed the obstructions by accommodating the organisation.


Michael A. Campion and Michael J. Stevens ( 1994 ) from university of Texas and Perdue University states that Features such as creativeness, assurance, openness, helpfulness, snap, and supportiveness are characteristically references as coveted squad member.

Yulk ( 1994 ) claims that leading is the individual who gives the advice to members in the group follow. When they follow the advice, they will finish the mission. Leadership intending attacks that leading is capableness of one individual to inspiration a group of individual toward the success of common aim. Susan Ward ( no day of the month ) gives the definition that in concern, leading is repaired to public presentation. Effective leaders are those who raise the concern to the ends. Leadership is a winning grouping of personal qualities and the accomplishment to believe and public presentation as a leader, a individual who points the actions of others to do the good consequences.

Person can be a leader, even if the lone individual they & amp ; acirc ; ˆ™re taking is themselves. Information from Promoting Thought Leadership subject ( no day of the month ) claims that when the crisis occur, the leader should hold strategic planning and hazard direction in order to better the organisation. Start from induction of alteration, communicating for alteration, consolidation for acquisition, crisis declaration and readiness for crisis. Bangkok Bank had an first-class leader who able to confront with the crisis. When the company met the Hamburger crisis in 2008, He leaded the organisation base on balls the obstructions.

He knew the ability of the employees. Therefore, he gave the cod work to the right individual, and points the thing for the others to follow. When the company had the crisis, he began to alter to the policy trail the crisis. Then he set the meeting and distributedthe new policy to the employees. After that he evaluated the new policy and prepares the long term scheme.

Furthermore, he set the mission of the company and stimulated the employees to catch the end by the wages. From the information of Promoting Thought Leadership he missed one of the planning is consolidation for larning. For the full feature of the leader, he was suited to be the leader.


MilindTambe ( 1997 ) from University of Southern California references that teamwork is the concerted attempt by the members to make the common ends.

Teamwork increases critical in many environments such as ocular preparation, instruction and historical scene. Teamwork in such multifaceted, dynamic sphere is more than an lone brotherhood of immediate coordinated thought. Dale Mann ( No day of the month ) confirms that a assortment of working relationships exist among staff. The staffs in difference dimensions and accomplishments work together in one squad. They have the same aims to accomplish.

The factors which respect for others in malice of professional differences, openness and willingness to communicate-listening, acknowledging a occupation good done, willingness to speak over jobs, sincere caring for others with a regard for privateness and constructive unfavorable judgment are really importance to drive the squad to success. All the points and endowments need for an ideal working relationship are important at every measure, some alteration more indispensable as the squad develops and staff members rise their degree of engagement. Bangkok Bank emphasizes the teamwork is the key to force the organisation base on balls important clip. When Hamburger crisis, the company made the squad to happen out the ways which solve the crisis. The clients lose the credible in the fiscal establishment.

Therefore, they sold the stocks back to the market. Price of Bangkok Bank stock reduced over than two times. A squad that was created in this important clip had to construct the credible of company back. Information of fiscal that the company still had the strong construction was shown to the clients. And many publicities were built so that the clients came back to put. From that crisis, Bangkok Bank had the effectual employees.

They worked under the force per unit area and had the attempt to accomplish the end. The factors that run the squad are sharing the their thoughts to others, open their head to listens the other thoughts, happening out the ways that can work out the jobs without prejudice, showing their thoughts to the leader and puting the policy in the organisation. That was shown the squad with under construct of Dale Mann.

Flexible Organization

Miles H. Overholt ( 1997 ) states that planetary markets want organisations to be flexible accepting whatever construction is needed, so executives, academicians, and advisershave torethink current value determinations that suggest flattened organisations are good and hierarchal organisations are bad.Definitely, the highlighting has moved from pull offing and taking to doing squads and allowing them to happen the key to excellent organization.

Flexible organisation decision makers are more advanced, wanting organisation constructions. Bangkok Bank has the plan that rotates the employees to difference section to larn the accomplishment in each section so as to increase the flexible to the organisation. There are 8 sections, when the Hamburgers crisis, the company got the consequence into the SAM/recovery section that needs the employees to handle the clients. The employees that had the analysis accomplishment were required. From the rotate plan, they solved the job instantly. They moved to the SAM/recovery sections when the company got the crisis and moved back when the regular state of affairs.

The company decreased the cost of hire new employees.

Human Resource Management Developing with Bangkok Bank

Australian Human Resources Institute ( AHRI ) confirms that there are 3 stairss to develop the employees in the organisation. First, plan the scheme. The companies have to sketch their know-how which you want to retrieve and measure your competency. Next they set their nonsubjective and the ends.

After that they identify their cognition and capableness required to finish targeted ends. And they find the spreads between current and the ends which will organize the beginning of a development thought. Second, equilibrate the scheme. AHRI recommends 7 activities to develop the employees ; formal instruction, larning activities, conferences/seminars, presentation of documents, industry engagement, service to the HR profession and informal acquisition.

Last, enter their activity accurately.Individual attacks to enter maintaining are recognized and supported with the conditionbeing that persons program and record all the professional development accepted. Bangkok Bank has the squad to be after the preparation class and the activity that suit for the employees. There are 6 activities in the organisation to develop to the employees. Learning activity, there are one on one with manager in the organisation to alter the attitude such as economic, working procedure, job in the organisation and more.

Conferences and seminars, Bangkok Bank has the preparation centre ; the classs depend on section and update with the state of affairss. Presentation of documents, Bangkok Bank uses mentality to show the paper in instantly instance such as the political jobs. Industry engagement, Bangkok Bank pays for industrial information from outsource service to analyse the loan, set up societal fund and more. Informal acquisition, the employees get the cognition from the clients who use the service in difference concern. Service to the HR profession, there are the magazine which has the item about the available place, awards in the organisation and many activity in there.

However, there is non merely oneactivity to develop the employees that formal instruction. Nevertheless, Bangkok Bank invites the fiscal specialize from the instruction institute to develop the employees. In the hereafter, the company has planning to develop the class to the fiscal criterion. The employees take the classs and pass the trials, they will acquire the certification from the company. From the good preparation, the employees worked under the force per unit area in 2008 with the first-class public presentation.


The turning combination of the universe & A ; acirc ; ˆ™s economic systems is an effectual of concern. Core economic actions are shown on a planetary graduated table. Many companies have emphasized human resource direction which the key to understanding managerial behaviour. The external country impacts the construction and operation of work organisation, and organisation decision-maker in bend impact wider society.

This instance survey nowadayss about Bangkok Bank with Hamburger crisis in 2008. The chief factor that helped the company is the first-class organisation. There werefour factors to drive the organisation to go through the crisis. Firstly Bangkok Bank had a good leader who effected the members to accomplish the common end.

Secondlystrong teamwork, the employees in the group that haddifference accomplishments worked together with the same end. Furthermore, they worked without prejudice and opened their head to listen members in the group. Next flexible organisation, Bangkok Bank concentrated in their employees, so there was rotate plan to larn in difference section when the company got the crisis. They moved to work in the section that shortage the employees.

Last human resource direction development, there was six activities to develop the employees, miss merely one follow the theory of Australian Human Resources Institute. For all of factors, drove Bangkok Bank to go through many important times. Then it became the top concern and survives in high competitory in Thai fiscal institute.