The usage of internet is such a drastic improvement and the number of users day by ay increasing. Even children in school education are very much familiar about the internet and Its usage. At the beginning, when computer are introduced, people are against the computer since it reduces the manpower and so many people will be unemployment. But this reason does not changed the development.

After few years, situation changed as without computer, it is impossible to make things better. But now all the organizations are computerized. The same situation is going on for Internet usage today.Everywhere Internet. Without internet, the communication will be very difficult.

The following are few of the usage of internet, which is mandatory nowadays. # Bank # Railways # Airways # Travels like Bus transport # unlettered # schools and colleges The above said usage are very important nowadays. Without internet they will be in very much critical position. Even to say, it will affect regular life of human beings.

Even nowadays most of the houses are having Internet connection to communicate with friends or relatives who lives abroad.This will be cost effective whereas by using telephonic conversation rates will be high when compared to video chat through internet. It also helps to conversant by seeing their face inferno of them as it gives a feeling of conversation inform of them. Like there are so many things which helps human beings for their self development and also for their business development, there are some things which goes towards the human life in terrible position.

Some websites which is very harmful to the human mind, no need to list out the website names as everyone who uses the internet know about that.So many sites which uses only movie actors photos, videos and about their personal life. Even some besides are changing the mental attitude of youngsters which makes their mind to forget about their career. Nowadays so many people are going behind Social networking sites. There are some social networking site which helps to improve their knowledge, business and social responsibilities whereas some social networking sites are dealing only with dating and chatting.

This will affects the culture of a nation and also spoils the mind of the youngsters.Intern the people starts to forget about their social responsibilities, about the importance of their contribution to the nation as ell as for their home. It starts as a chain reaction and it continues and increases day by day. Next one is forwarding the MS clips through internet. As we all hearing daily at some places that MS videos of college students are leaked.

The videos are leaked through MS and also through Internet by putting in some sites. People especially younger generation are showing very much eager to see these kind of videos. The sites which are famous for Dating are spoiling the culture of our nation.Not only spoils the culture of nation and also the members of that family. It takes the younger generation to wrong path.

It makes them to think against the marriage bond. This makes the people to set their mind to live with anybody at anytime. This will result in murdering the spouse and other things which cannot be discussed here. Now we are in a position to analyses who is responsible for these drastic changes in the mind of human beings. Whether the Government or the person who invented the internet, parents, friends, Social networking site owners?As discussed earlier, there are so many good things are happening by using the internet by way of learning, by way of communication channel, by way of business development, even e-learning plays a good role nowadays. But the other side seems to be very dangerous.

So what is the solution? Government should control these websites in our country. Since India is famous for tradition, culture and worship. So Government should monitor the websites which are used by most of the people. Thus they can control the wrong things to be planted as seeds in the human mind especially the younger generation.By advancing the people is not sufficient. By law and order only we can control.

If a product is ready for sale, then definitely people will go to buy, otherwise if the product is not at all there, then there will be no chance to buy the product. So Government should propose a Next responsibility goes to parents. Parents should monitor their children about their activities in the internet. They should know what their child doing with the internet, whether they are using internet for good things like learning, developing their attitude skills, etc.

A complete monitoring is a must to avoid any dangerous result room the children. Since site owners are building their website for earning good income and to develop their business, they are providing lot of unwanted things in their website. So users should have self responsibility when using the internet. They should think about their family values, our Indian culture, about their education and career path. If they start to think about these things, definitely our Science and technology will be of great use.

Conclusion: A knife is common object. The usage of knife depends on the user.