"Beam me up, Scottie." This popular line from Star Trek was ademonstration of the advanced technology of the future.
Though it was afictional story, Star Trek became the universal vision of the future. As alwaysreality tends to mimic fiction. Though our society has not quite resulted toliving in space, we have made life easier with technology. Economic survival hasbecome more dependent upon information and communications bringing forth newtechnology of which was never thought possible.
Just a mere thirty years ago acomputer occupied a whole room compared today’s palm sized computers, whichare faster and perform more functions. Cellular phones, now light and compact,were bulky just ten years ago. The most incredible invention, the Internet, isbringing infinite amount of information to your desktop. In the world of the ofthe Internet there exist a world blind to skin color and other physicalappearances. The Internet while still young in age has grown rapidly, spreadingto countries world wide and connecting 50 million users.
With its popularity, itis incumbent upon our society to recognize how the Internet works and to beaware of its advantages as well as disadvantages. While seemingly high tech theInternet concept is rather simple. Computers speak to one another and sendinformation. This is accomplished by sending and receiving electronic impulse,and then decoding them into a message. In order to communicate with one anotherthey are linked up in a network. They are then able to access information fromthousands of other computers.
The network acts like one large computer storinginformation in various places, rather than in one physical structure. Users tapinto the Internet to access or provide information. Internet technology allowsone to surf the World Wide Web or send e-mail. The vision of the Internet thatwould revolutionize the computer and communications belonged to JCR Licklider ofMIT (Leiner n. page). In August of 1962 he envisioned a globally interconnectedset of computers which would allow everyone to quickly access data and programs(Leiner n.
page). A government sponsored project at Defense Advanced ResearchProjects Agency (DARPA) started in October (Leiner n. page). The race fordiscovery of such technology raged between the Soviet Union and The UnitedStates of America.
Both countries wanted control of the possibly powerful tool.Then in 1968, The National Physical Laboratory in Great Britain set up the firsttest network, which prompted the Pentagon’s ARPA to fund a larger project inthe USA. (Sterling n. page) However the race was not limited to just nations butalso companies. In 1965, working with Thomas Merrill, Lawrence G.
Robertscreated the first wide-area computer ever built. These experiments proved thatcomputers could work together running programs and retrieving data as necessaryon remote machines. Roberts put together his plan for ARPANET, published in1966. At that time he learned of Donald Davies and Roger Scantlebury of NPL andPaul Baron and others at RAND. Research at MIT (1961-1967), RAND (1962-1965) andNPL (1964-1967) while parallel had no knowledge of one another.
In August of1968 an RFQ, a refined model of ARPANET was released for the development of oneof the key components, the packet switches Interface Message Processors (IMP).Bolt Beranek and Newman (BBN) installed the first IMP at UCLA and the first hostcomputer was connected. By the end of 1969 four host computers were connectedtogether into the initial ARPANET and the Internet was off the ground. In 1977,electronic mail was introduced.
(Leiner n. page) As the Internet quickly grew,changes were necessary. The Internet’s decentralized structure made it easy toexpand but its NCP did not have the ability to address networks further downstream than the destination IMP. Bob Kahn decided to develop a new version ofthe protocol which eventually became known as the Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol (TCP/IP).
Compared to the NCP which acted as a devicedriver, the new protocol was more like a communication protocol. In order tomake it easier to use, Host were then assigned names, replacing numbers. A groupof scientist then set out to show that a compact and simple implementation ofTCP was possible. They succeeded, allowing it to run on desktop computers. (Leinern. page).
Original uses of the Internet included government communications and aforum for scientist to share ideas and help one another in research. In the1980’s the Internet grew beyond its primarily research roots to include abroad user community and increased commercial activity. In present day it hasbecome a tool for conducting research and finding information, as well ascommunications with others. Electronic mail, amazingly popular, with chat roomsand discussion groups makes the Internet a popular place for meeting new people.
(Leiner n. page). Perhaps the largest shift is in the profile of Internet users.In the beginning users were scientist and government officials: those highlyeducated and well trained. However today’s 50 million users are all ages andfrom all backgrounds (Why use the Internet? n. page).
Access to the Internet isno longer limited and can be found just about everywhere including schools,colleges, libraries, and at home. In 1992 the Internet had a growth of twentypercent every month (Why use the Internet? n.page). A developer of the Internetsaid, "If the Internet stumbles, it will not be because we lack fortechnology, vision, or motivation.
It will be because we cannot set a directionand march collectively into the future." ( Leiner n. page) Clearly theInternet has brought many conveniences. Businesses and students benefit from thetechnology as well as those who use the Internet for personal uses. Over 50million people used the Internet in 1995 and by the year 2000 the number ispredicted to be over 150 million (Why your company should be on the Internet n.
page). Fortune Magazine said, "The Internet is the biggest and earliestmanifestation of the way business is going to be conducted from now on."Companies are embracing the Internet and those who do not will be left behind(Why use the Internet? n. page). The Internet opens a wider audience tocompanies providing customers valuable information via mailing lists.
Space onthe Internet is inexpensive compared to paper, radio and televisionadvertisements, therefore companies reach a broader community with little cost(Why use the Internet? n. page). Most web users are well educated Americans withprofessional or technical jobs with median annual salary of $69,000, making thema prime target group. Opening a storefront online gives the advantage of alwaysbeing open. The Internet is a fair playing field for large and small companiesalike. Computer networks track inventory and consumer demand resulting inincreased profits (Why Minnesota Students Need Access to the Internet n.
page).Remote video conferencing and Internet phones allow companies to conduct livechat sessions with clients around the world. Data bases are available for publicor private uses. Companies can transfer files, bulletins or e-mail via theInternet, and it is all very affordable.
(Why use the Web? n.page) Students aswell as commerce is benefiting from the Internet. Students need more informationthan is offered by school libraries. The Internet gives students access toresources from around the world. They are also more willing to sit and browsethe Internet then to use the library. Information can be found, selected andretrieved faster on the Internet.
Entire books can be transferred in minutes(Sterling n.page). Students find the Internet to be a viable educational toolwhich makes them aware of the globalism of the world rather than sheltered inthe realm of the classroom. They have the option of writing to pen pals in othercountries and getting to know other cultures.
(MRP-Discussion n. page) TheInternet also serves as a preparation tool for the future. The world is movingtowards electronics: in today’s market being competitive means knowing how toget information, and more and more, it is traveling by wires. The Internetallows children to get hands on experience, and helps them develop intellectualskills and problem solving.
It allows children to research information thatinterest them. For example, a child interested in baseball can find informationon the latest statistics and read about the history of the sport. By educatingthemselves it opens their minds to technology. ( Why Minnesota Students needaccess to the Internet n.page) The Internet is a popular place to socialize.
Exchanging information with those far away take only seconds using the Internet.While postal mail can take days, electronic mail, or e-mail, takes seconds. Manycompanies offer e-mail services for free to those with access to computer with amodem. Unlike phone system and postal system there are no charges for longdistance service or communication with foreign countries.
E-mail and instantmessages (found in programs such as America Online and ICQ) can be used to sendimages and software. (Sterling n. page) Internet technology has gone as far asto allow people to make new friends without any physical contact. One way tomeet new people is to join an Internet discussion group. In such a group peoplewith a common interest ask and receive advice and exchange information.
Anotheropportunity to meet new people is in Internet chat rooms. In such rooms one canspeak freely to anyone as if they were at a party. America Online users refer torelations charter though the sever as "AOL luv". Those in discussiongroups and chat rooms are not limited to just Americans but open to people allaround the world. The Internet is a world wide tool filled with many cultures,and different people. In this world, race is not a factor since there is nophysical contact.
Everyone is equal and has the freedom to express oneself. Itis an institution that resists institutionalization. It belongs to everyone andyet no one, everyone sort of pitches in and it evolves on its own. There are nocensors, bosses, board of directors or stockholders. The Internet is unregulatedand uncensored.
However, the Internet being so free and uncensored presents manyproblems. Acknowledgment of children using the Internet has fueled a fight forregulation. Parents can not always monitor their children, therefore theInternet needs to be a safe place for the children. Children have access to theInternet in schools, libraries, and just about everywhere.
In schools it isnearly impossible for a teacher to watch all the children, and in libraries itis not the librarian’s job to monitor them. Computers and the Internet are foreveryone, including children, thus it has become an immense problem. Access topornography has been one of the greatest concerns among parents. Surprisingly,pornography is easy to access and children will.
Children are naturally curiousand love to explore. Minors are also targeted by advertisers. Just like ontelevision advertisers try to lure children in with pictures and web sites whichinclude games and chat rooms. However the biggest danger is not what they findon the Internet but who they find. The information they access is not asdangerous as the people they meet.
There have been many cases of molesters andkidnappers searching for pray on-line. Nicknames are used to protect theidentity of the children but can also be used to mask adults. They enterchildren’s chat rooms and coax the children to trust them. Nonetheless,denying the children access to the Internet is not the solution, perhapssoftware is. However software limiting children’s access to web pages have notbeen successful. In some case the software does not filter out all inappropriatepages but filters out non-objectionable pages.
(Should children be keptoff-line? n.page) Molesters and kidnappers are not the only people with accessto the Internet we should fear. Those mischievous thinkers also pose a threat.Known as hackers or crackers, they search for vulnerable computer systems thenstrike. Businesses can lose trade secrets, and the damages can be a disaster. In1996 Dan Framer, a security consultant, tested 2,000 computers networks, and ofthose 65% had security holes large enough for an intruder to enter (Freedman280).
Government computers are just a vulnerable as teenagers have recentlydemonstrated. Teenagers working out of their home with guidance from a 18 yearold broke into government classified information. Though they were caught, itbought alarm to the possible dangers of information leaks. The United States’enemies could have access to military codes and top secret files.
Although theaverage person is not targeted by hackers they are in danger of fraud andcon-artists. Stolen credit card numbers have been rumored to be a major problem.The chances of it happening are not as great as the media makes it to be, butnevertheless it is a problem. The criminals easily get away with such a crime.They get the number of a credit card and charge ridiculous bills, but by thetime the bill comes they have moved on to the next victim.
Many schemes come inthe form of junk mail. They offer deals that sound too good to be true andchances are they fake. They only ask for a small sum of money up front, nextthey cash the check and move on. ( Anarchy Online 98) Secure passwords canprevent hackers from accessing computers.
Passwords should consist of numbers,letters and symbols: an example "P11++69." No matter how secure andhigh tech the computer security system, all it takes is a simple , stupidpassword like "hello" to render the whole system worthless. (Freedman279) Though the Internet has its advantages it also has disadvantages, thereforeusers should educate oneself on the revolutionary tool. With over 50 millionusers the Internet is rapidly growing and is to the ‘90’s what the personalcomputer was to the 70’s.
New usage’s are springing up everyday, making itimpossible to predict the future of the Internet. One thing certain is that theInternet has revolutionized the computer and communications. "The Internetis a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for collaboration andinteraction between individuals without regard to geographic location." (Leinern.page)