WWW for curing malaria, typhus, body lice, and bubonic plague * microorganisms invertebrates fish birds mammals human beings * Microorganisms: Even a small amount of EDT can affect microorganisms. Microorganisms like plankton and algae are especially true, this because aquatic environments can bring contact with the organisms more. Invertebrates: Terrestrial invertebrates like mollusks and earthworms are less affected by EDT. They can tolerate EDT for a long time.Aquatic animals are very sensitive to EDT * Fish: EDT a lot off problems to fish, actually it causes so many problems that it has been told that all of them have still not been identified. This happens because the EDT is in the plasma membrane of the fish and that is the place where many of the processes take place.

* Birds: EDT is very effective to birds and EDT has an affect that for some birds the eggs of theirs become thinner. Some species that are effected by EDT are: * osprey eagles * pelicans * falcons * hawks * Mammals: EDT can control mice, bats and rats.Bats are really sensitive to EDT and even a very low dose of it can affect bats. * Human beings: EDT had become one of the most used widely used pesticides. Humans bodies are not that sensitive to EDT because it is difficult for EDT to be absorbed by the human skin.

Studies in 1968 showed that Americans were consuming an average of 0. 025 milliards of EDT per day. EDT is mostly stored in fatty organs like the adrenals, testes, and thyroid. It is also stored in smaller concentration in the liver and kidneys. EDT is also stored in body milk and this where the EDT tends to stay in our bodies.

EDT works by affecting the nervous system of the body by interfering with normal nerve pulses. EDT is being used for killing or controlling insects in a particular place, this is used because the use of EDT has a long term effect for where it is put and can control insects for a long time. It can be passed on to human by the humans eating something that contains EDT. Problems with EDT 1) It has been studied that EDT can cause diseases to humans like diabetes and breast cancer this is because Still continuing!!!! By standards