Moreover, Individuals are provided with two moralities with "one deriving from their selfish nature and suiting their individualistic characteristics, and one originating in moral issues of groups that is provided in social institutions like families or schools" (Graff & Mellon, 2007, p. 522). Deuterium states that social life is directed by unwritten rules and is shared by the combined consciousness of a social group, and this is referred to as 'anomic' (Spencer, 2000).

When common interests prevail over individual interests, 'anomie' exists and this promotes social stability along with mental well-being Spencer, 2000). On the contrary, Deuterium's concept of anomie refers to the decrease In regulation and integration of Individuals In society due to change (Graff ; Mellon, 2007). In anomic suffering the selfish nature of individuals prevail, their sense of purpose diminishes and Individualistic desires are used for social action as they are no longer regulated or Limited (Graff ; Mellon, 2007; Hang et al. 2010).

This is where social integration and regulation declines, allowing individuals to feel deprived, insecure, become disorientated (Graff ; Mellon, 2007), and become disengaged and depressed (Hang et al. , 2010). As aforementioned in the literature review, generation Y is more individualistic and have a higher probability of experiencing social isolation due to technology use. Furthermore, their use and access to technology and internet is largely unregulated and unrestricted (Hang et al. , 2010).

The increase in individuality and disengagement from society, along with unregulated technology use may be associated with anomic suffering, and can be a possible explanation for the Increase In mental health problems amongst the cohort. Furthermore, according to Hang et al. (2010) the term liberated anomie is used to describe anomic suffering in generation Y, as it is a distinctive characteristic of the cohort. This group of young people also have the ability to disengage from society without emotional, social or financial consequences due to either wealth, class or education (Hang et al.

2010). However, as aforementioned there are groups within his generation which may not have access to technology, and this can promote social isolation. In this case, they experience liberated anomie in a different way (Hang et al. , 2010).