Vital to life In the 21st century, the personal computer was Invented, In 1 977, and began the information age, which continues currently. "The information age is about learning on the move (M-Learning - SST George, A: 2007), ubiquitous technology, collaboration and access to powerful tools" (Paul 2012). From Kindergarten to Graduate School, teachers are using technology to help students learn. Technology- based activities have changed the classroom.
Technology-based learning activities are In almost every classroom. Students are learners that are more active and the teacher becomes a facilitator rather than a formal authority.Teachers are no longer the only source of information in the classroom. It is no doubt that the change of technology leads to a change in learning. More students are becoming autodidact or Self-directed Learners (OSDL). Technology-based activities have not only impacted OSDL, but also impacted learner preference and readiness.
Impact of Technology-based Activities on Self-Tolerated Learners "Self-directed learning emphasizes autonomy, personal motivation, personalization, self-discipline and critical reflection, and may help learners become more focused, directed, and successful (Suborn 20021' (Chug & Tsar 2009).Technology-based activities empower the Self-directed Learners. Self-directed learners are able to connect to experts online, have personal learning networks, engage In online learning, use videos to learn, create e-portfolios, and learn by themselves. Technology-based Satellites allow Self-directed Learners to learn skills. "Using technology to incorporate self-directed learning engages students by allowing them to solve real-life problems through a hands-on approach" (Quinn & Valentine, 2002).
Horn-J Ala discovered that the Self-Directed Learning Readiness (OSDL) scale was the most significant factor in determining success in online learning (Ala 2011). The Self-Directed Learning Readiness (OSDL) scale measures active learning, love of learning, and Independent learning. The goal of the teach and technology-based Satellites Is to promote active and Independent learning that fosters a love of learning related to the person's learning goals. Implications of Technology-based Activities on Learner Preference and Readiness Students' learning environments and Ideal learning environments have changed.Learner preference and readiness show that technology-based satellites are the norm. Students now expect more technology-based activities.
"Researchers insistently point to results that show many studentship, and in some cases even expect, instructors to use Alms to enhance the learning experience" (Kali 2012). Learning management systems (Alms), allow students to connect to their professors online and have more collaborative learning. "An advantage to online learning from 2011)" (Kali 2012). Alms provide online content for the average learner.Alms don't always cater to all learners. Instructional Strategies for Technology-based Activities Because learning styles vary, technology-based activities have to maximize their scope.
There are seven learning styles: Visual (Spatial), Verbal (linguistic), Aural (Auditory-musical), Logical (mathematical), Physical (kinesthesia), Social (interpersonal), and Solitary (interpersonal). "Visual learners make up around 65%, Auditory learners make up about 30%, and Kinesthesia learners make up around 5% of the population" (Mind Tools Ltd 1998).A great technology-based activities are a Learning management systems (Alms) with online outlines, lists, Flashcards, diagrams, spreadsheets, field-trips, labs, Journals, portfolios, discussions, interactive flash animations, and group projects can reach all learners. Unfortunately, this is time consuming.
"Customizing the delivery of the course material to meet the needs of an individual learner is a very difficult proposition (Kali 2012).Appropriate classroom-based instructional strategies, which may effectively engage students with technology-based learning activities, would include creating a TV game show, Jeopardy, using educational software for learning concepts; Jeopardy gives the questions as the answers and the contestant answers in the form of a question. Since the words are on the screen and read aloud students, can both see and hear he answers. Additionally, students can work in groups to answer the questions.
It would help Visual (Spatial), Verbal (linguistic), Aural (Auditory-musical), and Social (interpersonal) learning styles. Appropriate classroom-based instructional strategies, which may effectively engage students with technology-based learning activities, would include classroom response system (CRY), this is a piece of technology that allows students to answer a teachers multiple-choice question. Then a bar chart allows students to see the answers from A-D. Then the teacher can have students rite in a personal Journal the answer they picked, and how it relates to the average of the class.Crass with the personal Journals can help Logical (mathematical), Physical (kinesthesia), and Solitary (interpersonal) learning styles.
Conclusion "Internet-based learning is cost effective and more convenient than traditional educational environments, as well as able to provide opportunities for more learners to continue their education (Richardson & Swan 2003; Inane 2007) "(Chug & Tsar 2009). Students' learning environments and ideal learning environments have changed. Learner preference and readiness show that technology-based activities are the norm.