Still Knitting, Counting Dropping Heads Mr... In the passage "Still Knitting" from A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, resources of language express Dickens attitude and add suspense toward the coming revolution.

In addition the author expresses his attitude and heightens suspense by giving the town human like characteristics. For example personification reveals that in the evening the peasants are outside and feel implacable because they are not in their homes at rest. Dickens talks about how "in the evening at which season of all there, saint Antoine turned themselves out" (Dickens 1).Also Dickens makes his words sound more intense with personification "darkness closed around" (15). This creates a odious image in the mind of the reader.

Darkness is already a feared image but to add characteristics that of something ominous and unnatural raises fear and suspense. The vibe has changed and now the author can go into further detail and add a more suspenseful scene. Another type of figurative language Dickens uses in his story is imagery to raise suspense. An image comes to mind when he writes, "then name the ringing of church bells and the distant beating of military drums of the royal guard" (15-16).

If you imagine the strident sound of the army in the distance you start to feel as if you are there, in the moment. Besides using personification and imagery to convey his attitude, Dickens uses good syntax. His sentences are lengthy and fit lots of big words in there in an order in which it all makes sense but are also making the reader think. He words sentences to be longer like "but as the fingers went, the eyes went, and the thoughts" (10). Instead of Just naming things right after the other he puts words before and after them.The author has penchant to repeat words over and over in a sentence "so much was closing in about the women who sat knitting, knitting, that they their very selves were closing in around a structure yet UN built where they were to sit knitting, knitting, counting dropping heads" he used knitting four times and every time it was used, he used it twice in a row.

This brings attention to the knitting and leaves the reader wondering what the knitting meaner. The sentence also leaves a sense of mutability because the reader gets the feeling that bad things are about to happen. Hello By anthropometry