One of the most successful ways to talk about benefits or usefulness of your products is a thematic essay. Such studies could hardly be called typical reviews because they are based on real examples of satisfying the consumer’s needs. Through them, you may stand out from rivals and get a new client.

The significant thing is to approach the problem with the mind and imagination.

What Is Case Study?

The mentioned category refers to projects for analysis of a specific issue, which aims to generalize certain findings. People, events, goods, as well as trends, can serve as an object. Similar methods are used to identify potential risks, develop innovations or better comprehend a selected topic. Specialists distinguish following types of thematic articles:
  • Family reviews;
  • Descriptive works;
  • Research;
  • Group comparisons;
  • Criticism.
Traditionally, case study definition is focused on one subject, but comparative principles are masterfully applied towards several subjects.

For obtaining objective data, a mixed methodology is applied.

How to Write a Case Study: Advice of Connoisseurs

First, make a portrait of an ideal buyer. If your services affect an educational sphere, refer to the ratings of universities. If an activity is related to the construction industry, you must research relevant market.

If you are involved in cars, you should ask for expert opinions in this area. A priority purpose is after acquaintance with your work, the client acknowledges that you know a theme, understand specific nature of the chosen field and comprehend how to seek maximum results.The next step is an ability to tell stories. Your thematic opus should cover the cases when your services or items have aimed a customer to achieve the desired objective.

You even may “set surveillance for a specific client” and update a research for the next few months. In this way, you will demonstrate to an audience the long-term production and save your own time.Before you publish information, you should take care of its format. If you post just a large and faceless chunk of text, the number of readers will decrease significantly. Use formatting elements like sub-headings, photos, lists, and font changes.

They will facilitate not only to highlight important data, improving readability of the article but will make a good impression on users.In order to earn the trust of potential customers, you should result in specific figures in the studies confirming your conclusions. Instead of talking about a “triple increase in profits”, download comparative tables with relevant rates. So, a buyer could view what exactly you started a business, what outputs have reached and for what time period.

Positive dynamics plays the role of a powerful incentive for expanding the client base.Traditionally, case studies are given in the form of narratives. But it does not need to follow the generally accepted settings. Try various formats, from interviews to scientific style. Sincere customer responses will enhance a veracity of your plot. Also, do not forget about a correct presentation of findings.

In addition to the text, prepare a high-quality video-story or infographics and place, say, on the YouTube channel. I.e. you will get a great opportunity to become famous outside the corporate site.

8 Tips for Creating a Great Case Study

After you have selected a type and style, read our recommendations how to write an excellent case study.

They will ensure the right option of evidence and a profitable visualization of your work.

  1. Think about a correspondence between kind of research and target group. A staff of large corporations prefers to submit information through colorful illustrations, while educational institutions succeed in preparing critical opuses. Regardless of the species, carefully study the situation to take into account all possible factors. You may find valuable data on the websites of companies, in their statutes or on the pages of leading experts.

  2. Narrow down a topic. First of all, start by collecting material. Refer to the Internet space or a local library. This phase of preparation is necessary to identify current trends and opposing points of view. Having familiarized with them, you could create your own unbiased opinion.

  3. Select the interview participants. They may be professionals or consumers who have already used your products or services. You should make sure of their intention to leave a positive response. Such people must be active in social networks and be passionate about communication.

    It needs to determine a format of the future survey. If your questions affect personal moments, it is unlikely that any of the respondents will want to share them with others. Therefore, collect as much data about your guests as possible before including them in the list of heroes.

  4. Tune in to a conversation. The quality of an interview depends on the well-formed register of queries. Your assignment is to perceive the clients’ position and correctly convey it in a story.

    Therefore, it is logical to take an interest in the opinions, feelings, and wishes of customers. Do not forget about the facts that must confirm both the words of buyers and effectiveness of goods. Avoid disputes and heated discussions. They not only drag out time but also negatively impact an atmosphere inside the focus group.

  5. Start a dialogue. Formulate the same requests for making sure that opinions are uniform.

    Go away from closed questions, because they do not allow you to get a detailed answer. You must do everything possible to write an excellent study. During the conversation, use charts or tables for corroborating own words. Statistics impart objective judgments. Your guests may submit photos or quotations as reliable evidence.

  6. Summarize the data.

    Documents, observations, illustrative materials, archives should be collected in one place. Provide access to information when drafting the article’s structure. Of course, it is inappropriate to use all available data. But in order to correctly sort, you should see a full picture.

  7. Develop a plan. Case study template typically consists of an introduction, background information, results, and inference. Tell the reader about their interlocutors, the problems they encountered or feelings of the firm’s laborers. Do not be afraid to point out flaws, because an ideal product does not exist.

    Make users think about solving an issue. Add references to primary sources and applications. If you include specialized terms, involve corresponding explanations.

  8. Edit a work. Naturally, every creative composition needs a final review and adjustment. Correct the errors or ask an outside observer to check the text.

Case Study Example

A well-written research paper requires the writer to thoroughly analyze the essence of the chosen subject, its negative and positive aspects, and only then give a valid estimate. Remarks without verified proofs remain an empty criticism, casting a shadow on the author’s competence. Let's say you need to research the profitability of a new cafe. You could focus readers' attention on the fact that it is on a quiet street, in a favorable neighborhood, next door, for instance, with a shopping center or kindergarten.

When evaluating, it is essential to remember the audience for which you are writing. If we are talking about students, they are unlikely to be attracted by a family atmosphere and a state of rest. Such things are more appreciated by aged people, moms or office workers, tired of everyday fuss. Although the low cost of coffee and cakes is a universal criterion for all social groups.Thus, a case study should be a balanced composition that keeps the reader's interest in the topic. We are dealing with an intermediate letter, in which science and literature are harmoniously combined.