My cousin and his wife had been together for eight years but the wife never got pregnant at all. During the first few months after marriage, they tried to conceive casually. They didn't take into consideration things like official timings, sex positions and there was no pressure at all, but there was no baby. This let them to turn to the internet for help, but there were no much help. His wife tried several other means like hormonal research, but all were in vain.

At this time, to my cousin and wife, sex was regimented; as a result, they were all left disappointed and unsatisfied, (English, 2010). Then they turned to the fertility specialist for assistance. My cousin was off the lock after his sperms were tested fine. His wife presented ten vial blood tests, a sonogram as well as a HSG. The results showed that her uterus was just fine but the abnormality was in her blood. It was said by their doctor that, she was not to be considered as being hypothyroid, as her levels of TSH was not far from normal.

As a result the doctor proposed that she start medication by the name Synthroid, which may help her conceive. She opted for medication, and advised them to keep on trying as they used to. The bad side of the story was that, the medication might not make huge difference, (Shomon, 2010). Two month after medication, there were still negative results.

It was the third month when the doctor gave her a test in his office, it was also negative, but advised her to go for blood test. All this was because she had missed her periods. At long last, the results were positive. Finally she was pregnant. Though this happened, my cousin never stopped thinking that something wrong might happen.

This went on till the ninth month, when his wife delivered a bouncing baby boy. Wonders never end this were his happiest times in life, (English, 2010).