Therefore, an Input device such as a computer keyboard Is palpable of having information sent to the computer, but does not display I. E. Output any information. An output device such as a computer printer can print information from the computer but does not send any information I. E.
Input to the computer. INPUT DEVICES: input devices are accessories that control how a computer processes information. They give the computers CPU data with which to work. It then processes the information and displays results to the users.Without input devices, computer would Just display data without any interactions.
OUTPUT DEVICES: Output devices Ella the response, sound and media devices, which has a purpose to translate the devices response Into a useable form for the computer user Q) Describe the working of any two Input and output devices. NAS) INPUT DEVICES: 1 ) Keyboard: This device Is used to convert keystrokes Into electrical signals that Is useable for the user 2) Mouse: mouse is an input device which is moved to direct information on the computer screen.When we move the mouse, a pointer called mouse pointer moves on the screen and is used to point things on the screen OUTPUT DEVICE: ) Monitor: monitors are the main output devices of the computer. It forms images from tiny dots, called the pixels, and the clarity of the image depends on the number of pixels in one screen.
2) Printer: this is an output device that produces a hard copy of data. They are largely divided into 3 categories. Q) Describe any two secondary storage devices.NAS) Basically secondary storage devices are also called the auxiliary storage, they are the accessories that are outside of the computer used for extra data storage that are mostly portable. 1) Flash drive: A flash drive Is a small external storage device, happily the size of a human thumb that consists of flash memory. USB flash drives storage medium that's both inexpensive and portable.
2) DVD-RAW: optical disc storage media format that can be used for data storage. The DVD supports disks with capacities of 4. KGB to 17 KGB and a standard DVD disc store up to 4. 7 KGB of data.
There are two types of DVD's: DVD-ROOM and DVD-RAW. DVD-ROOM stands for DVD-Read Only Memory and they function the same way Read Only Memory Does. DVD-RAW Stands for DVD-Read and write, these disks can be erased and rewritten at any time. Q) Define the types of printers. NAS) Printer is a device that gives a hard copy for all the electrical signals send to it by a command of printing. There are 3 basic types of printers: 1 .
CHARACTER PRINTER: The character printers print one character at a time.Its further divided into 4 basic kinds of printer innovations as mentioned below, Dot matrix printer (DAMP): this printer prints one character at a time. It consists of either 9 or 24 pins that get aligned into the shape of the character to be printed. Then all these pins are struck by hammers present in the printer itself. Daisy wheel printer: this is a printer with a movable rotating wheel with a number of typefaces at the outer end of each spoke, the wheel rotates until one character is found, then the hammer strikes that typeface forcing it to leave a print on the paper.Thermal printer: this generates heat to produce the required character shape on specially coated thermal papers.
The print head carries electric current. This is a quite but expensive printer. Inkiest printer: this printer uses the practice of negative and positive charges. In this one of the both, paper and dry ink gets positively or negatively charged due to which the electrically harder ink particles are guided on the oppositely charged paper like the character typed.
2. Line printer: this kind of printer prints line by line therefore making it faster than the rest.Drum printer: this printer has a drum inside it that rotates on high speed. The drum itself has all the characters embossed on it so every time u select a particular alphabet or character the drum rotates and hammer hits behind it.
This printer prints line by line not character by character. Chain printer: this has a chain inside of it, consisting of all the typefaces that rotate on high speed. This composes 1 nine at a time and the hammers activate to produce a strike that helps print row on row. 3.
Page printer: this is the fastest type and has further 2 divisions Jotted down below: Laser printer: this kind of printer uses the same technology as the Xerox copy printer. Its expensive and has no noise. Fastest of use and is replacing all other printers gradually.. Magnetic printer: this is a less used printer.
In this a drum coated with magnetic material catches the image of the page that is to be printed and then like the inkiest printers it electrically charges the ink particles and they are than stuck o where the printer had to copy.Q) describe the difference between primary and secondary storage. There are many differences between these two, but the basic are: All secondary storage is permanent Most Primary Storage is temporary.