Have you ever wondered what the daily servings for each food group are? Have you thought you've been eating too much of one specific group per day, or not enough of a specific group? According to the USDA food pyramid, for a diet for ages 9-17, you are supposed to have 6 ounces of grain daily along with 3 ounces of them being whole grains.

As for vegetables, your daily serving is supposed to be 2 h cups as well as 2 cups of fruit, 3 cups of dairy, and 5 h ounces of protein daily.Over three days I consumed much food, most of that being grain. I had an average of 5 h servings of grain per day. None of them were whole grains. I also consumed an average of 2 h servings per day of vegetables. As for fruits, I had no servings at all.

For dairy, I consumed an average 2. 41 servings per day. I also ate an average of 1. 3 servings of meat and/or protein per day, and for fats and oils, I consumed an average of 1 h servings per day.Over the three days I kept a food diary, I did not meet the USDA requirements for good health. As for grain, I had 10 ounces, not 6, while none of them were whole grain.

For vegetables I had 3 h cups, which is 1 cup more than the daily serving. I didn't consume any fruit, which is 2 cups short of the daily serving. I also had consumed 6 h cups of dairy, which is 3 h cups more than the daily serving. As for protein, I consumed 1 h ounces per day, and for fats and oils, I had 4 h teaspoons.