Playing my Favorite Song One of my favorite songs is 'Never Say Never' by Justine Bibber and Jaded Smith. I know that you might be thinking that the main reason that I like this song is because it is sang by Justine Bibber, and if you are thinking that, you are wrong. I reckon that he is really famous, but I'm not in love with him Just like all the other bunch of girls all around the world. The main reason that I like this song is because it brings back memories of my childhood.When I listen to my favorite song I feel that we can see an mage of ourselves or even our lives played out. Like the artiest have written it only for you.

Well this is how I feel about my favorite songs. Not only do I have song where I see myself, but songs which helped me get through hard times, maybe this is why I have so many favorites. I feel being African and Spanish has opened up a lot of doors for me to be exposed to different types of music, and appreciate the sounds quality of all kinds of genres.This song is important for me; it is related to my favorite vie 'The Karate Kid'. Vive watched the movie on my birthday, and Vive loved it since.

It's my favorite movie because I love the action, drama and it has emotions. After watching the movie on my birthday Vive researched about it and found out that the actor, Jaded Smith, and Justine Bibber made a song about the movie, and the song is great. I was maybe like 11 at the time, but it hit me like no other song ever had before.I like to split the song into personal segments, it has so many different motions that it brings up as you listen through, which adds to the beauty. Happiness, sorrow, excitement, disdains. This one has it all.

This song brings back memories of me, in Spain, in the Internet Cafe© listening to this song. I was there with my friends online wasting money but having fun. Vive been...

The Song is more about Jaded Smith having to fight, and don't give up. In the song it says "whenever you knock me down, I will not stay on the ground, pick it up... "Which is part of the verse of the song.