Pablo Picasso , known as one of the most influential artists of the
twentieth century . I shall explore the evolution of a young Pablo Ruiz
Picasso to the experienced genius that had shaped the way we see art
today . From his Blue and Rose periods through the birth of Cubism ,
to the struggles of the experimental thirties .

As we go to the death of a
proud father .
Picasso was born in Malaga on the 25th of October 1881 . The only
children of the family were Pablo and his younger sister . As you know
Spaniards take the name of one's father and of one's mother .

The name
Ruiz was his father's . His mother's was Picasso . His birth name is Pablo
Ruiz Picasso . Since its such a long name its a pain to sign so he shortened it .
On Pablo's earlier canvases he signed Pablo Ruiz but later changed his name
to who we know of now , Pablo Picasso .

Picasso is of Italian origin and the
Picasso were silversmiths . Physically Pablo resembles his mother , small and
robust with a vigorous body , dark-skinned , straight not very fine black hair .
Picasso used to always say that his father was like an English-man . His
father , Jose Ruiz Blasco was tall and had reddish hair and an English way of
carrying himself .

As a child Picasso was making drawings , not the drawings of a child
would have but one a painter would have painted . When he was fifteen years
old he would make oil portraits of his younger sister . He painted like a born
painter . Then at age nineteen Picasso was off to Paris . Two months later he
went back to Barcelona sold some paintings .

Picasso settled in Madrid and
starts the magazine " Arte Joven " with the writer Francisco de Assis Saler.
Soon after Picasso goes back to Barcelona and then back to Paris again .
Picasso had friends but none of where painters , no they were all writers .
In 1902 Picasso returned to Spain and painting in his Blue period .
Being in away from Spain for a while he forgot how colorless it is .

colors of Spain are white , black , silver and gold yet it was still beautiful .
Span in a sense is not like other southern countries ,
"It is oriental , women there wear black more often then
other colors in Spain , the earth is dry and gold in color ,
the sky is blue and almost black , and the air is very light .
All the same I like Spain ."Gertrude Stein 30
and the result is Picasso s Blue period .

Then again in 1904 he was once again in Paris . Paris is now in
it's own Rose period . The influence from his helped one of his first known
paintings " Little Girl with a Basket of Flowers "1905 . Painters have
always liked the circus , even with the rise of cinema and night clubs , they
like to still remember the clowns and acrobats of the circus . A painting to
show of the influence by the circus is " Acrobat on a Ball "1904 - 1905 .

1908 - 1909 , Picasso barley showed his works at exhibits . He said
"When one went on exhibition and looked at the pictures of other
painters one knows that they are bad and so they are not
hopelessly bad . "
Picasso' s first cubist pictures were landscapes , but then almost at
once he started using it in expressing people . Picasso still did not reach his
peak of cubism till later .

In 1910 to 1912 it was mainly still life . Picasso s
pictures began to get more brilliant in color and then war broke out in 1914 .
By the end of the war 1917 - 1920 Picasso was is a realistic period .
During the Spanish civil war is when Picasso was awaken and
made a large painting that is the most know of all his works of art ,
"Guernica " . After the wars he used all the sadness and pain from the
death of his Spanish people .

Most of his paints where done ink later in
century . Pablo Picasso continued to work and paint till he past away in