What is theology? What does it explain if anything? According to the encyclopedia, it is related to the Greek Religion. In Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God and God's relationship with humanity and with the world.Although other religions may be said to have theologies, this is a matter of controversy within, for instance, Judaism , which holds that God is unknowable.
This article will therefore confine itself to Christian theology.The development of theology in Christendom arose from the need for educated Christians of the ancient world to express their ideas in terminology familiar in current thought. Hence arose the close relation of Christian theology with Greek philosophy formulated by the Greek and Latin Fathers of the Church . St. Augustine , a Latin Father and one of the greatest theologians, introduced and standardized in his writings teachings that became central to Christian theology.
Augustine's influence was paralleled in the East by that of Origen. From the dictionary theology is known as the science of God or of religion. Also, the science which treats of the existence, character, and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice; divinity; (as more commonly understood) "the knowledge derivable from the Scriptures, the systematic exhibition of revealed truth, the science of Christian faith and life."In addition to the information above, theology has more to offer.
According to the Theological Dictionary, it is the study of God, His nature, attributes, character, abilities, revelation, etc. True theology is found in the Bible which is the self-revelation of God. Theology is known for many definitions but consequently means the same in each sense.The nature of theology is known in different ways but seem to have the same. According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, it is defined as 'the science of religion'.
That would be the core of knowledge using science in the religious sector. It is then subdivided into the 'Natural' theology.This theology is known to be the 'dealing with knowledge of God as gained from his works by light of nature and reason'. This would be God's own words or examples of how religion/theology is based on nature and what he has created. Secondly is the 'Revealed' theology, which is based on revelation.
The revelation is the change and the evolution of things and events. The ?Revealed' theology is the showing of the growth of the theology. Next is the 'Dogmatic' theology. This theology is the dealing with authoritative teaching of the scriptures and the Church. This theology is based on the writings.
It means that it is only using teachings from the elders and the authority figures to adhere information.After is 'Speculative' theology. This is known as the giving scope to human speculation, not confined to revelation. This theology does not base its beliefs on the revelation but also on the humans and what occurs in their speculation and thoughts. Lastly is the 'Systematic' theology. It is the methodical arrangement of the truths of religion in their natural connection.
This theology is based on nature, yes, as is the ?Natural' theology, but it also is a better understand of the truths of religion. Each specific sector of the nature of theology has its own points to bring to the concept. Each individual theology is based on different aspects of the nature of theology. The nature of theology is found the Western theologian era.The nature of God is known to be in monotheistic religion.
It is a broad, important topic in Western philosophy of religion and theology. It apparently consists of a very old and distinguished history. In history, it was one of the central topics in medieval philosophy.The Abrahamic faiths, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, all affirm theism, or belief in God. These religions each give different answers as to the details, and those details are very important to the adherents of these religions; but together they share a tradition of asking the same or similar questions, and proposing the same or similar answers, about what, precisely, God is or is supposed to be.The sources of the study of theology are important in understand where theology stems from.
It is the beginning of where the information comes from. During the Pre-Reformation distinctions, there were several sources for the study of theology. During the early years of the Christian church, these chiefly took the form of small sects or movements. Over the periods of time continued, key doctrines were established.
From these doctrines, most of which are still taught in the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) and the Eastern Orthodox Church (EOC). Most of the RCC and EOC doctrines are considered heretical in Protestant theology. For some Episcopalian doctrines, they seem to persist in certain Protestant churches but not in others. Lastly, several doctrines initially considered heretical persist in certain Protestant churches but not in others.
For the other half, the post-Reformation distinction, there were other sources.The Reformation reaffirmed the rights of Christians to freely expound their own views of theology. This was from most theological distinctions which have occurred between the various Protestant denominations. Severely new RCC doctrines however have been promulgated since that time. The differences between many of the denominations are relatively minor and have helped ecumenical efforts in recent times.There are many theological methods available in the study of theology.
The relation of a theological method with a practitioner of that method is simple.Bibliography:Dictionary of Theology ed. D. Lane (BR95.N3 1987)Dictionary of Theology ed.
K. Rahner (BR95.R313 1981)A Concise Dictionary of Theology ed. G.
O' Collins (BR95.025 1991) Dictionary of feminist Theologies ed. L. Russell (BT83.
55 .053 1996) Dictionary of Fundamental Theology ed. Laouterelle (BT1102.D5813 1994) The Creed B. MarthalerThe Modern Theologian David FordLiving Faith E. FlynnThe Christian Theological Tradition ed.
C. Cory, D. LandryThe Concise Oxford Dictionary