One of the basic tools of business which has turned out to be quiet essential is the internet. The discovery of the internet as a communication tool has been described by many people as the backbone of business marketing. Many businesses around the globe have incorporated the internet in order to facilitate their operations and service delivery through improved communication between business owners and clients. With the use of the internet, customers are able to contact their suppliers without necessarily visiting the company physically. As a result, individuals and companies have considered the use of customized websites as a way of reaching to a wider domain of customers.

One of these companies is Caesars Palace in Vegas which continue to make use of its website in marketing of its products and services. Caesars Palace offers a variety of services including but not limited to gaming, accommodation, foodstuffs, meals, wedding grounds and entertainment. It has been rated as one of the best performing hotels in the recent past. The use of the internet in carrying out its operations has been seen as one of the key propellers towards its pinnacle performance. Caesars Palace’s website is an excellent one that every person travelling around the world wouldn’t hesitate to interact with.

The entire website is quite informative; it gives every bit of information that one would wish to know. What is captivating on the website are the animations involved and the manner in which these animations change giving different services offered at the palace (Hotel Overview). These animations also cover photo clips showing customers in different sections of the hotel. For instance, one is able to see customers swimming, dancing among other activities. Caesars Palace also uses the website for advertising its business and available offers. For example, customers who book accommodation for four nights are given 25% percent discount.

Apart from offer adverts, the site also gives the physical address and a phone number which is meant facilitate communication especially in making of inquiries. One doesn’t have to travel to Las Vegas to know logistics involving booking of accommodation or wedding venues in the Hotel. The overall content on this website is quite informative with satisfaction of new and old cusomers being a key issue (Hotel Overview). There is no irrelevant information since every portion of information describes the activities of the hotel in terms of service offered and what travelers have to expect. Unlike other websites which carry thousands of irrelevant information and popping windows, Caesars Palace has a well structured site that nourishes any of its visitors. A part from being informative and relevant, the website is easy to navigate.

This is mainly to avoid overcrowding of the homepage and provide more detailed information under various links. On the left of the homepage, a customer is able to navigate through all the services offered by the hotel. A number of contact links are on the left of the site with customers being allowed to sign in at the top of the page. One of the most catching part of the site is top left where customers are allowed to make bookings and reservations (Hotel Overview).

This includes both adults and children prompting them to specify their check-in and check-out dates. The website is generally attractive, informative and easy to navigate.Like in any other business, Caesars Palace further recognizes that completion among hotels is very high and has to furnish in order to ensure that they develop a competitive advantage towards. For it to achieve this target, the main focus has to be on customer satisfaction through excellent competitive services which are not only supposed to attract many customers but also retain current customers. Caesars Palace is involved in primaries activities which are aimed at delivering its services. The hotel has a high reputation among house restaurants and enjoys the command of a wider domain of customers who find total satisfaction in its services.

Its facilities are highly recommended with high class hotels like Hyakumi which is an imitation of the famous Rao in New York. This hotel is worth visiting together with buffets. There are restaurants like The Palm and Spago which have been rated high in terms of services delivery and in creating sustainable competitive advantage in the market environment (Caesars Palace.). It is also important to note that the palace is focused in expanding its services with a Cheesecake factory operating in the Atlantis section.

Additionally, the palace management has embarked on renovaation of various sections. Among these renovation projects has been the Garden of the Gods which has given the palace an outstanding performance and ranking compared to its competitors. More than $ 100 million was spent in upgrading its standards which has two precious pools with enough space to allow customers to play in the open sun. It is also worth noting that there are several activities which take place by the pools body massage which are aimed at satisfying the needs of customers. Another fascinating site of the palace has given it incomparable competitive advantage is the Qua spa (Caesars Palace.).

Many people have described it as a knockout. It encompasses warm water, lounge chairs and rain showers. The place is quite spacious and contains with an attractive pampering feeling to customers. Forum shops have also been well equipped with a plethora of products to meet the needs of customers.

As noted before, Caesars Palace has significantly integrated online marketing in its operations. It has employed a number of online marketing techniques with a sole purpose of satisfying customers. One of the techniques is through adverts in form of promotions. There are a number of adverts on its website informing customers on available offers.

A good example is the offer of four nights which gives a customer an opportunity to receive 25% discount. Another promotion is recently concluded one that allowed customers to win a trip for two to HSN live in Vegas (Hotel Overview).It is clear that Caesars Palace has the needs of its customers at heart. It has a toll free call number and an email address which are supposed to facilitate communication in terms of inquiries and general relay of information. Additionally, the Palace has its physical address to allow customers to easily locate the palace together with regional maps available via website links.

Another way in which Caesars Palace promotes customer service is by allowing customers to online feedback. With a link on the bottom right hand side of the website, customers can give views regarding the design, content and usability of the website (Caesars Palace - A Luxurious Las Vegas Hotel). They are also given chance to make improvement suggestions regarding their services and products. Together with the introduction of Total Rewards membership, customers feel part of Caesars Palace.