Chapter 2 UNIVERSITY PROFILE University Vision A distinct center of excellence in human, material and natural resources development, globally relevant and competitive, and focused on responsible citizenship, sustained economic growth and improvement of the quality of life of the Filipino. University Mission As stated in its Charter (PD 1778), it shall provide advanced instruction in the arts, agriculture, fisheries, engineering and natural sciences, as well as in the technological and professional fields; to promote research and engage in extension work. College Goals 1.To develop quality human resource to serve the needs of the communications and information technology industry in both national and global labor markets; 2. To share its resources for the educational;, cultural, socio-economic and moral upliftment of the people, particularly in Region 1; and 3.

To establish inter-institutional and inter-agency linkages for effective implementation of its quadric-fold programs of instruction, research, extension and production. College Objectives 1. To produce holistic, humane and globally competitive Information and Communication Technology (ICT) professionals; 2.To empower ICT graduates to become effective agents of change; 3. To discover new knowledge and expand existing ones information and communication technology through the conduct of research; 4. To help improve the quality of life through the community reach-out and extension services; 5.

To improve the quality of education through the production and use of instructional materials; and 6. To provide leadership in the promotion of computer literacy in its service areas. Chapter 3 COMPANY PROFILE Vision The SSS aims to develop and promote a Viable, Universal and Equitable social security protection scheme through World-class service. ” Viable. Social security protection shall be provided through generations.

Universal. Social security protection shall be provided to all residents of the Philippines, citizens, and non-citizens alike, regardless of creed, gender, age, geographic location and economic status, especially the disadvantaged, so that no one will become a burden to society. Equitable. Fair and uniform coverage shall be made available to all.

Benefits shall be meaningful and able to sustain a decent standard of living.World-class Service. The highest standard of social security service-prompt, accurate and courteous shall be provided to ensure total member satisfaction. Mission “It is the policy of the State to establish, develop, promote and perfect a sound and viable tax-exempt social security system suitable to the needs of the people throughout the Philippines which shall promote social justice and provide meaningful protection to members and their families against the hazards of disability, sickness, maternity, old-age, death and other contingencies resulting in loss of income or financial burden.Towards this end, the State shall endeavor to extend social security protection to workers and their beneficiaries. ” (Section 2, RA 8282).

Company History The concept of social security evolved from an age-old search of man for protection against poverty, which breeds grave social ills that not only threaten his survival but also erode his sense of human dignity. It, therefore, becomes the duty of the State to operate a mechanism that would provide such protection to its people. Legislative History On January 26, 1948, Pres.Manuel A. Roxas proposed a bill seeking to establish a social security system for wage earners and low-salaried employees.

This was recommended to Congress in his State of the Nation Address. After the death of President Roxas, Pres. Elpidio Quirino created the Social Security Study Commission on July 7, 1948. The creation of the Commission was his first official act upon his assumption to office.

Based on the report of the Study Commission, a draft of the Social Security Act was submitted to Congress.In 1954, Rep. Floro Crisologo, Senators Cipriano Primicias and Manuel Briones introduced bills based on the report of the Social Security Study Commission in the House of Representatives and in the Senate. These bills were consolidated and enacted into Republic Act (RA) 1161, better known as the Social Security Act of 1954. However, business and labor groups objected to the Social Security Act resulting in a deferment of its implementation.

In 1957, amendatory bills were presented in Congress.These bills were the bases of RA 1792, which amended the original Social Security Act. On September 1, 1957, the Social Security Act of 1954 or the Social Security Law (SS Law) was finally implemented, marking a significant milestone in the social security program. Thus, with the implementation of the SS law, the government also adopted the social insurance approach to social security, covering the employed segment of the labor force in the private sector.

In 1993, household helpers earning at least P1,000. 00 were included in the compulsory coverage of employees.In 1980, some groups of self-employed persons were also required to contribute to the social security fund from which benefits are paid upon the occurrence of a contingency provided by law. Self-employed farmers and fisherfolks were included in the program in 1992, while workers in the informal sector earning at least P1,000 a month such as ambulant vendors and watch-your-car boys, were covered in 1995.

The Social Security System (SSS) administers social security protection to workers in the private sector. On the other hand, the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) takes care of workers in the public sector.The SSS administers two programs namely: 1. The Social Security Program; and 2. The Employees’ Compensation Program (EC) Social Security provides replacement income for workers in times of death, disability, sickness, maternity and old age. On May 1, 1997, Pres.

Fidel V. Ramos signed RA 8282, further strengthening the SSS. Also known as the Social Security Act of 1997, it amended RA 1161, providing for better benefit packages, expansion of coverage, flexibility of investments, stiffer penalties for violators of the law, condonation of penalties of delinquent employers and the establishment of a voluntary provident fund for members.The EC program, started in 1975, provides double compensation effective June 1984 to the worker when the illness, death, or accident occurs during work-related activities. EC benefits are granted only to members with employers.

SSS used to administer the Medicare program for hospitalization and other medical needs of the private sector workers; and the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), for the public sector workers.However, with the passage of Republic Act 7875 or the National Health Insurance Act of 1995, the SSS and GSIS transferred the administration of the Medicare program to the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) for an integrated and comprehensive approach to health development effective July 1999. SSS retirement, death, and total disability pensioners prior to the effectivity of RA 7875 on March 4, 1995 are entitled to hospitalization benefits under Phil-Health. Pensioners upon the effectivity of RA 7875 on March 4, 1995 and thereafter are no longer covered except when they meet the qualification requirements set by PhilHealth.