At the time of WW1 in 1914, United States was not very much involved in the war but at the end of war it joins allies and League of Nations after the insistence of American President Woodrow Wilson.

The main objective of this league was to prevent wars, settle international disputes and promote international cooperation and achieve peace and security. But the League fails to achieve its objectives because it does not have appropriate machinery to implement its decisions. The other defect was that it allowed itself to be dominated by the European powers like England and France.Thus it failed to maintain peace, prevent aggression and maintain territorial integrity.

But with the starting of World War 2 United States emerged as the great world powers. USA was dragged into the war by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, until then it was neutral, though it United States had given a massive financial aid to Britain. After that attack, Americans dropped an atom bomb on Japanese city of Hiroshima killing thousands of people and later, they dropped another bomb on Nagasaki that result in killing of many people.The dropping of this atomic bomb on Japan was one of the most devastating and controversial events of the entire war. The war had ended in favor America because of Britain internal weakness during the war period.

United States had a big role to maintain political and economic stability, it had a better effective positive role than the negative consequences, and infact it played a huge role in the ending of the war.As a whole the United States ad a positive effect on the world during WW1, but dropping of two atomic bombs in Japan was inhumane and very evil thing to do; they ended human existence in the matters of seconds, but dropping the atomic bombs had a big effect on ending the Great War However, it also helps to promote social and humanitarian works. It’s contributed to finish the suppression of women, children, slavery and forced labor. It also did much to promote educational cooperation and coordinate the activities of health and scientific organizations all over the world.