The ANC party has been a dominant party ever since they got voted into government in 1994, which is the reason why there is a speculation of South Africa becoming a one party state. In 2004 their was a complete landslide victory for the ANC (African National Congress) party which consulted in another major disappointment for the Democratic Alliance, Inkatha Freedom Party and a disaster and humiliation for the New National Party who thought they could of done a lot better and possibly challenged the ANC.

Also the ANC became the largest and most successful party in all nine provinces, proving that they are getting more and more dominant in each election. When the New National Party collapsed in 2005 it made the ANC even stronger as they had one less opposition but the New National Party actually merged with the ANC to give them more dominance in the fact that the NNP have them more ideas to develop as a party, this also made them stronger in parliament with over 70% of the seats.People have commented on the fact that the ANC has became a "cannibal of the opposition" meaning that they have become so dominant, that the opposition parties have no chance to challenge for their party to be in government. The reasons to this dominance of the ANC are very clever but simple, over the years they have made many changes but ones that suit the people of their country. For example many people had to walk miles to go to a well only to get dirty water but now they have gave the country clean water.Also the roads and schools of the country have massively improved which is increasingly keeping the people of the country happy and keep voting for the ANC in elections.

Also the ANC helped and freed people from Apartheid who separated Blacks from Whites in the country for 40 years, so this is another reason why people appreciate what the ANC party has done for them in terms of making people equal.Also sufficient evidence shows that the ANC are doing a brilliant job, especially economically, South Africa's economy is now the 23rd largest in the world, compared to 35th in 2002, which means that it is growing by 3% each year, so it just shows that the ANC are helping and improving the country each year which means that the people must find it hard not to vote them back into empowerment These issues alone can possible justify enough evidence to suggest the fact why many people think that South Africa has turned into a one party state.The opposition parties however, are trying their very best to stop this domination, but they just can't manage to stop it. Everything that the ANC seems to offer to their country the opposition can not offer anything better to the people; also the people have now seen stability from the ANC party and believe that they can develop even greater in years to come if they just stick to the ANC.In conclusion it clearly shows that South Africa can be said as being a one party state in many ways as shown above, nevertheless it can also be seen as a democracy for the main reason of allowing opposition parties to compete with them by allowing the people of the country to vote and let them be eligible for a say in what they think is right for their country after South Africa used to be in misery for 40 years under Apartheid with not everyone being able to have their say and equal rights.