Sports, Gender and Race in the eyes of the people have changed over the years. In the article, “Just Do… Sports, Bodies and Gender” by Michael Messner various facts and opinions are stated to contrast the differences between males and females when it comes to sports.

Many people favor drastic conclusions when it comes to males and females involved in sports with no evidence backing it up. To back this up, Messner uses various examples throughout his article. It is also seen that he uses many other rhetorical tools to state his main points throughout the body paragraphs to make them stronger yet valid.His thesis is strong throughout the paper as he clearly ties it in throughout the article. While the article continues on, it leads to a comparison and contrast between males and females.

However, as he ends he uses visuals to tie the paper all in together. This article is somewhat the same as making a sandwich. Therefore, Messner uses many common rhetorical tools to argue points of males and females in this article. That is why Micheal Messners work should be highly recommended to be used throughout UNM-Taos English 102 courses.It seems as though, when controversy comes along it is thought that males are better athletes than females.

Males are known to have certain advantages. While females are seen to be at a slight disadvantage compared to them. This comparison has led to arguments all over the world and also in this article. With this in mind, both males and females have their own advantages when it comes to sports. It has become evident through this reading that the readers have the proper understanding of sports and the difference between males and females as Messner uses the comparison of race and gender to once again tie into the thesis.Overall, male and female sports are usually examined through their main characteristics: Gender and Race.

Males and females tend to vary in many ways. Some ways more drastic than others, it is seen throughout the examples in this article as he combines them greatly with the argument. Messner has a repetitive analysis towards men when it comes to sports as the racial argument began. As seen in professional sports the main race of athletes is seemed to be African American as he somewhat states throughout his paper.

Male athletics seem to be the most watched sports compared to female sports.It is stated that, “… those very few who do make it into the limelight—especially those in sports like football or boxing, that reward the most extreme large, powerful and violent male bodies”(Messner 737). This example expresses the few athletes that actually make it to play professional sports much less the very physical sports. It is also seen that males are targeted not only in that quote but by sports representatives all around the world.

That is why people believe that males are more superior to females. This argument throughout his article seems to be the meat in the sandwich for a visual many can relate too.This point is made throughout the article as one of many examples based off this topic. As Messner continues with the article he adds on with more examples to thicken up some of his main points with this comparison and contrast (The extras such as lettuce, tomatoes, etc). In reality most believe that if a male can do it then a female can also do it considering we are all made equally.

The fact that in the past males used to be in advantage to females due to the violent sports they once did but to thi day it has changed.What people do not also see is that back in the day, women were out hunting down the animals while the men stayed around their land for protection. Yet even with this, males are known for their strength and power but mentally women are known to be stronger. As Messner continues to compare and contrast, he expresses the differences between the races and the thoughts of the outside subjects.

In detail he compares the anglo race to the African American race. It is seen that African American are well downgraded throughout the country of the United States. Anglo Americans were bet to be the dominate race followed by the Hispanic race.This is a small portion of how Messner constructed the beginning of his argument. This partial detail provides a lot of information to strengthen his article.

Females are not very popular when it comes to sports but as days go by things are starting to change. The common facts tend to compare and contrast the ways females have started to earn respect. As said in the previous paragraph women lack the fair right to some things that men are given based off of their appearance. Just because women do not acquire the large amount of muscle mass as men and the crazy superior characteristics does not mean that females cannot do what males can.They are also judged off their race in many ways.

African American females are not as dominant as the males. It is Anglo women who tend to be more involved or dominant in sports. In reference to this it is stated in the text that, “there is no denying the rapid movement towards equity in the number of female participants and programs for women”(Messner 738). Through this, it is seen that women sports are somewhat advancing. Females are now progressing in violent physical sports that seemed to be only for men. For example, females are now involved in boxing, which is one if not the most violent sport known out there.

The weird fact is that it’s the Anglo women that are mainly involved in boxing. Based off most Anglo women it is seen they don’t seem so outgoing when it comes to violence but in professional sports it is seen that they are the dominant race. It’s nice to finally see women trying out new sports that back in the day wouldn’t even be a thought. They have progressed in ways un-thought of.

Those are a few of many continuous factual statements in this reading towards women. As seen through this other part of the article, Messner once again uses the common race and gender to express examples of females.This is known as the argument throughout this article or in a visual way the meat to his article. In comparison both males and females have had a change in rapid comments when it comes to sports, gender and race. Males are known to acquire a larger fan base than what women seem to get.

The reason for this is because people find that the pace is faster in male sports which tend to make it more intriguing to watch. What people don’t realize is that it is possible for females to do just the exact same things but in some ways they modify it.With this reading, both males and females were stated in a positive but also negative way. Negative remarks were mainly made along the lines of women and their appearance but with this it is known that sports help athletes in more ways than one. Messner states, “Sports tend to help with higher self-esteem and self-confidence” (Messner 739). Through this, males and females gain self-worth but all the comments tend to bring women down a notch.

What people don’t see is that females are mental able to with stand a lot more than male.Females are mental strong while males are physically strong. They can under-go the most tragic experiences and still be able to go on while if that were to happen to a male things would be different. They mentally are weak and it is seen when it comes to sports. The down fall for women is they are somewhat a little too emotional and they tend to show it more than males.

With this, it shows males and females do have their differences in ways people don’t acknowledge. They don’t see the hidden facts that do affect the differences between both males and females.The fact that body image, race and gender shouldn’t play a specific part in whether people will achieve certain obstacles is based on the individual. That is why I believe males and females are equal when it comes to sports. All this information concludes the comparison of the argument leading to the end of Messners’ article.

He ties everything together as he now puts the top layers or the two slices of bread to make the sandwich complete. Through all the facts given in Messners work it is very important to notice the values of the rhetorical tools he used.These rhetorical tools are one reason why English 102 classes should use his articles. The rhetorical tools are placed in the proper places during the proper time. Michael Messner did at one time start off as we all once did.

Messner was educated with a bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and a Master’s degree in sociology. He is known for his “theories and construction of gender”(Wikipedia 1). He attended the school of California State University to conclude his educated and the theories he to this day has come up with. He is a very intelligent man with a lot of obstacles overcome.To this day he is a professor at the same University in which he started.

As for his family life he married with two young children. Even with this, he still continues to inspire people of his writing. Michael Messner is gifted in his writing. He is known for many pieces of his articles along with the many books he has written. It is stated that “recently he completed an update of a longitudinal study of gender in televised sports news and highlights shows”(Dept of Sociology 2). He is known to have published eleven books and eight journal articles.

His articles are very beneficial when it comes to college students.He provides various facts about the human body and the effects of sports. As seen in this essay, he also provides articles with other topics such as gender or even families. His articles are mainly based off gender and sports but they go from youth to adult.

Therefore, many unanswered questions can be answered through this. Another reason his writing is great is the fact that they are all based off real life scenarios. For example Epinions expresses the realistic facts of Messners’ writing. It states, he has an “engaging style of writing, interesting thoughts...

”(Epinions 1).Through this, many agree that his writing is very fun yet educating. That is yet another reason why his books and articles should be used in English 102 at UNM-Taos. Not only does his back ground reflect his work but his peers also. He has received many great comments throughout his years of writing winning many prizes. So his books and other sources are highly recommended.

It’s is not only good for the students but for the teachers. The facts of what sports do to children is taught through his writing and in some cases that can benefit a lot of students and teachers considering many are parents.To conclude it is seem that my opinion towards this topic based off this short story has been evident. I like how Messner has various facts and opinions in his article and how he ties everything in. He is a great writer and throughout my reading I was engaged the whole time which doesn’t happen often.

He has a great way of expressing and stating his topics. I like the many visual which helped me relate that much more. His writing for help many English 102 students as it did me while I read it. Great author!