Power refers to an individual’s influence on another person. This is in contrast with the concept of authority which refers to the power that is gained through a specific position or standing although both of these concepts are all central concepts found within organizations.

Corruption, meanwhile, pertains to the misuse or abuse of one’s power or authority to further one’s personal and private gains or to achieve an unofficial outcome that is beneficial to that person alone.Corruption usually results in the form of monetary benefits although this is not always the case, examples of which include scams, extortion, nepotism, fraud and opportunism. The cycle of power and corruption occurs with an individual who possess a considerable amount of power within the organization and is not held liable or accountable for misusing or abusing his power.The abuse or misuse of power may start out through the individual’s desire for personal gain without regard to other employees and the good of the organization. At times, the culture and environment within the organization could also foster corrupt practices. Another factor in the occurrence of corruption is the disparities in power wherein employees may feel helpless and powerless so that they become more dependent and would submit readily to the wishes of the person in power.

Emotional Intelligence (EI) relates to the emotional side of life, such as the ability to recognize and manage one's own and others' emotions, to motivate oneself and restrain impulses, and to handle interpersonal relationships effectively. In preventing the power corruption cycle, constant communication and contact should be emphasized between employees and managers thereby creating an open environment within the organization. Another is the establishment of appropriate work policies that would discourage the abuse and misuse of power as well as rewarding positive and ethical behavior.