What short-term and long-term health conditions are direct consequences of the obesity epidemic?The short-term and long-term health conditions that are direct consequences of the obesity epidemic are Type 2 diabetes, which is the major cause of obesity in the country, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, gastroesophageal reflux disease, certain cancers, psychological and emotional problems, quality of life changes, and ultimately leads to an early death.

What individual and societal changes can help reverse the obesity epidemic?Individual and societal changes can help reverse the obesity epidemic by first visiting their personal physician to gain advice and help with controlling their body weight and help to determine whether an individual’s obesity is linked to any health history and ultimately try to find the core problem of their obesity in hopes of determining a weight control plan or a starting point of finding a cure. They can also visit a dietitian once the underlying cause is determined to enable the obese individual to obtain a dietary plan or program best suited for their weight condition.The societal changes that can also help to reverse the obesity epidemic are for restaurants to have a better and healthier menu that shows the calories and all other important contents in their meals. New eatery businesses can also focus on a health-based restaurant and menu that centers itself strictly on healthy eating and ways to control weight and what nutritional foods to eat to help receive the daily nutritional value needed per day based on their weight and goal.