It is very surprising to see how many hate groups there are in world; especially America, which is considered “The land of the free”. Many people are unaware that these groups even exist.

There are some in every single state, including a handful of hate groups in Illinois. The Nation of Islam, Americans for the Truth about Homosexuality, and the Ku Klux Klan which we’ve all heard about in history. One that particularly caught my attention is the National Socialist Movement, located in Detroit, with branches in Chicago. This group shares a hatred for Jews, and believes in Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.The National Socialist Movement is the largest Neo-Nazi organization in America.

The group branched off of The Ku Klux Klan, and American Nazi Party, founded in 1959 by George Lincoln Rockwell, a former Navy commander. Rockwell was murdered in 1967, and The National Socialist Movement was created in St. Paul, Minnesota. Soon after in 1994 leadership was granted to Jeff Schoep. Schoep was 21 years old when he took over the group, which attracted many younger people to join the movement as well. Schoep soon created the Viking Youth Corp, inviting young boys and girls with parental consent to become a “more effective warrior”.

Accepting only kids of European descent with no alcohol and drug abuse permitted. Schoep stated that children would be taught about the white race, military skills, and the nationalist socialist theories. The group began to rise in 2004, having theatrical parades on the streets to spread their name, and using an open arms policy and allowing other white supremacist groups to join them. NSM claims to be a non-violent group as stated by Schoep on the website, “I want it made perfectly clear to all of our members, supporters, prospective members, readers, etc. that the National Socialist Movement condemns illegal actions and in such we do not endorse any acts of violence or terrorism.

The NSM is a White Civil Rights Movement that adheres to Political activism, and a legal means to restore America to its former glory. Acts of violence or terrorism against America, or its Citizens is unacceptable, and not tolerated within the ranks of the National Socialist Movement. ” NSM openly worships Adolf Hitler, stated in NSM propaganda “Our Fuhrer, the beloved Holy Father of our age … a visionary in every respect.”The group believes that only “pure” white heterosexuals or European descent should be granted U. S citizenship, and that every person of color should be deported no matter what their status may be.

They believe that interracial dating should be illegal, and that not one race should mix together. They are against homosexuality and gay marriage. They believe that black people are the cause of gang violence, which they believe is the cause of all violence in America. The group believes that any further allowance of immigration of non-white will lead to a downward spiral of America.They believe that the political parties are not doing their part to protect America, and are allowing immigration to become worse.

As stated on their website, www. nsm88. org “The NSM's core beliefs include defending the rights of white people everywhere, preservation of our European culture and heritage, strengthening family values, economic self-sufficiency, reform of illegal immigration policies, immediate withdrawal of our national military from an illegal Middle Eastern occupation, and promotion of white separation.””The National Socialist Movement is dedicated to defending the continued promotion of the White Race as the dominant cultural and economic and military power within the borders of these United States. We stand in stark contrast to the 2 parties currently dominating the American political arena today and reject utterly the concept that America should surrender national sovereignty in part or in whole to any foreign or unelected administrative organization. White Americans owe no allegiance to political parties or a government that does not represent the best long term interests of our people.

Party leadership works tirelessly to promote the advancement of policies that ensure America remains an independent sovereign homeland for Whites free from the destructive influences of Globalism and International Marxism. We believe wholeheartedly in the exceptionalism of the White Race as the torchbearers of civilization and oppose the notion that our people be absorbed into any regional suprastate as envisioned by the global elitist that dominate current policy. ” NSM started in Minnesota, and soon made it’s way over to Detroit, and Chicago.In 2009 the NSM had 61 chapters in 35 states, making it the largest neo-Nazi group in the United States according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. NSM is mainly Midwest, with offices in Detroit, Chicago, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, etc. In May 2011, the NSM was described by The New York Times as being "the largest supremacist group, with about 400 members in 32 states.

” NSM members have different “rankings” and are dressed in all black uniforms. Most of the NSM rallies are focused on immigration policies. “All non-White immigration must be prevented.We demand that all non-Whites currently residing in America be required to leave the nation forthwith and return to their land of origin: peacefully or by force. ”? — “25 Points of American National Socialism,” NSM website. During rallies, Schoep will make speeches regarding immigration and the views of NSM.

Members of NSM hold signs that say “Hitler was right”, “Stop taking American jobs”, and “Homosexuality is not a constitutional right. ” NSM mainly protests in “sanctuary’ cities where there are a high number of illegal immigrants.In November, 2011, NSM marched through Pomona City, California. In Pomona, it is primarily a Latino town with 70 percent of its population Latino. NSM was targeting the DREAM Act, which is an organization which provides residency to Hispanic students who came into the country before the age of 16, and allows them to complete two years of college or military service. In November 2012, NSM rallied in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Like many of these immigration rallies, some of the citizens did not take it very well.In this case, citizens outnumbered the NSM members from 5 to 1, and held many signs directed towards the group. One sign consisted of Adolph Hitler committing suicide, and across the sign said “Follow your leader. ” Many same sex citizens were showing affections to each other, and dancing around with rainbow flags. It was clear to see that the NSM was not welcome in Charlotte. Although the NSM holds many rallies against immigration, the hold other rallies for different issues as well.

October 2005 in Toledo, Ohio, police and SWAT teams supervised an NSM rally. NSM stated their rally was against “gang violence” towards white citizens of the town. Toledo used to be a “white town” before more and more African Americans began moving in. The rumors suggested that a white male of the town called in the NSM to march throughout the town, in order to cause tensions with the African Americans. Sure enough the march turned into a riot, and the African American citizens of Toledo did not take it so well.

They began throwing eggs at the NSM members, vandalizing cars, and setting fire to buildings. Toledo police had to call for state police for backup, and the NSM were asked to leave. NSM insists on their policy for “no violence”, but how can this be true? NSM may not be the ones setting fires, or attacking people, but their rallies and protests do cause violence. No matter what your views are on immigration, and illegal aliens, nothing you can do or say will decide how many people can live in this country.We, as Americans took this country from Native Americans, and destroyed their families, and raided their towns and murdered them.

To view America as a “white nation” is just pure ignorance, since white people were NOT the first ones to live on this soil. The NSM can preach all they want about white separation, and taking back the nation. In reality, it will never happen and there is no need for any of their rallies. Groups like NSM are only promoting hatred, and violence in America, not helping it become a better place.