The last half of the 20th century was characterised by unprecedented changes and irreversible trends in natural, technological, social, economic and political factors that have affected human life in radical ways.
This when combined with population explosion, urbanisation, industrialisation and economic development exerted high pressure and demand on natural resources, most notably on water resources. We need to have an efficient and effective management of our water resource as its demand has increased with the rise in the population growth and the rise in pollution.Firstly comes the policy support and legislation of the country, the attitude and capacity of the state, the local bodies and the local self government to operationalise the rational use of water. Different stakeholders are involved in the different aspects of the water management like that of irrigation, domestic and industrial supply, flood control and so on.
Secondly, the interrelationship between the land and water should be viewed as SYSTEM and water as part of the planning process. Thirdly, research and development programmes need to be undertaken on a range of activities like that of water conservation, water quality management, pollution control, water recovery, reuse and recycling and above all the social institutions which influences and CONDITIONS human perception and behaviour both at the community level and Bureaucratic level.There is a definite pattern of flow and usages of water. This pattern has a definite configuration of relationships. It also has physical structure and some set of activities which forms system.
Whether water will be considered as a resource and can be used on sustainable basis depends on the pattern of existence water bodies and usages of water by the human society.There are different types of water sources which are parts of the water system. These different sources of water are sub systems of the broader water system. They are acting as parts of the system and are interconnected and interdependent. Survival, availability and function of one water source depends upon other. They have set of relationships.
One also has to keep in mind that people cannot act in vacuum. Each and every behaviour, interaction, activities and thought of the people are influenced by the social system. Even the most private and personal action which involves the most secret thoughts and feelings obeys the common and collective external rules.Usages of water depend upon the existing human institutions. The rules and regulations developed and followed by the society to use the water and the control mechanisms developed to check indiscriminate use of water, decide whether human being can get the water resource on a sustainable basis or not.
It is important to note that only knowledge about water does not help to achieve judicious use of water. The question is how the knowledge helps in developing the positive attitude and translating it into action through the cultural behaviour.