The internet is one of the latest and most popular technologies. It is a computer system which allows millions of computer users around the world to exchange information. Not surprisingly, it has brought about a huge change in our lifestyles.

Due to many reasons, some people state that the internet does more harm than good. However to me it does more good than harm. Firstly, the internet has made a lot of information available to many people in the world in just a split second. For example, you need to write a report, of ten pages, on a certain culture you have never heard of in two days.In the past without the internet, you would be panicking and hiding inside the library for hours searching for the book that you need. However, now with the internet, all you will have to do is to type the things you want to find at the search box and press enter.

And in a matter of seconds, all the information you need is there. Secondly, the internet has become an important part of our entertainment. We use to fill the pinch in having to buy all sorts of toys and games for our children, but now with internet, there is no need for us to do that.Just give them a computer with internet excess and they will be satisfied. This is because there are many free games available on the internet like scrabble, maple story and mafia wars which are just as interesting.

Not only that we can also watch free videos, movies and drama series anytime anywhere, on the internet. Finally, the internet has brought communications to a whole new level. Now with the internet, people no longer need to wait for mails from overseas or pay for expensive international phone calls to be informed of the well being of their loved ones.All they have to do is send an email or chat with them on instant messenger. If this is not enough, you can speak to them “face to face” on Skype.

Believe it or not, all of this can be done free of charge. If you want to know how your old schoolmates are doing, just type their name in the search button on face book, and there is a high chance of finding their profile. There are many cases of cyber bullying, people being addicted to the internet games that they neglect the things that they have to do and others use the internet to commit crimes.Thus some people are quick to put the blame on the internet.

However, what these people do not want to admit is that the internet is just a machine or a tool that only does as it is instructed and all these problems are actually caused by humans ourselves. The internet cannot force us to commit crimes, so how can it be the internet’s fault. In conclusion, I believe that the internet is one of the greatest inventions in this century and by using it wisely, the internet will definitely bring more good than harm.