The general assumption of Alexander the Great is that he was a conqueror and was in charge of the destruction of the Persian Empire. This leader and achiever succeeded in plenty other aspects to create the conqueror he became over time. Thus, Alexander the Great was an average youthful child who was born in Pella, Macedonia where he later became emperor. The support from other scholars has helped prove the importance of him and his conquests.

Macedonia is the place in which Philip derived from which he turned over his ruling to Alexander the Great.Macedonia was considered one of the four Hellenistic kingdoms under the Antigonid dynasty. In relation to Macedonia before and during Alexander the Great’s founding and securing of its state of being, Macedonia has differed today. I visited there two summers ago on a mission trip with my church and it seemed to be very free living whereas it had much control with Philip being emperor and then handing down his power to Alexander.

The mission trip revealed the religion aspect as well as the day to day living. In comparison, the empire of Macedonia has its differences due to Alexander.It seemed under control, yet free living, which comes to show that it was left in good hands with Alexander the Great leaving it under prime circumstances. Before Alexander could bring forth is efforts to conquer a multitude of places, he had to have his strong background and sense of self.

“Various charming anecdotes about Alexander’s early life are preserved in Plutarch, illuminating Alexander’s precocious nature, intelligence and love of learning, bravery, and undoubted destiny to rule” 1 These traits brought this conqueror to qualify him as a great leader.In relation to his success, he obtained bravery and determination to assist in his conquests. The battles in which he defeated the opposing side include a variety due to his overall destruction of the Persian Empire. The Battle of Chaeronea consisted of the Macedonian army crushing Greek allies in 338 B.

C. The Battle of Issus turned into a rout where Darius escaped Alexander and entered Babylon where he then proceeded to the Persian capitals at Susa and Persepolis and took possession over gold and silver. 2 The Battle of Hydaspes River was a brutally fought event where Alexander of course took over and was the underlying winner.The Battle of Granicus consisted of the invasion of Asia where the Macedonians lost few men in comparison to the other groups who suffered a great deal of losses. 3 This battle was a major attack in which Alexander led an army of Macedonians and Greeks into Western Asia to launch his attack on the Persian Empire.

This was initiated in the year of 334 B. C. “The great cities of the Persian Empire fell quickly to Alexander. ” 4 All in all, these battles were the most significant within the simple defeat of the Persian Empire.Moreover, in 327 B.

C. Alexander pushed eastward into India, which expanded his boundaries of totalitarian domination. Alexander the Great conquered Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Asia Minor, and Persia. He had his extensive list of enemies and simply general people to vent. These people include some like Porus, Ptolemy, and Spitamenes.

For background knowledge of the figures in history who had an effect on Alexander the Great and his conquests, Porus fought against Alexander the Great yet still lost and was still allowed to continue his leadership within his kingdom. Ptolemy is actually of Alexander’s friends in which became a solid general in all he did.He was the person who made Egypt into a dynasty after Alexander the Great passed away. Spitamenes In regards to his conquest of that, he also united the Hellenistic world and brought Greek ideas of religion, culture, and philosophy to different groups of people and distributed his thoughts and expansions. A cultural legacy was left by Alexander; “As a result of his conquests, Greek language, art, architecture, and literature spread throughout the Near East. ” 5 Backing up his great conquests, he studied Aristotle.

Aristotle was big on logic and “wished for an effective form of government that would rationally direct human affairs.”That being said, he directly relates to Plato yet he also has specific qualities unlike Plato that consist of “seeking an idea state based on embodiment of an ideal. ” 6 At a youthful age continuing on for a few years, Aristotle tutored Alexander the Great on poetry and rhetoric. “Alexander probably experienced Aristotle’s regular curriculum. ”7 Aristotle was simply a Hellenistic thinker whom had strong beliefs and understandings. The Hellenistic world was a world of Greeks and non-Greek easterners who made a remarkable series of underestimated accomplishments.

It consisted of four kingdoms and those included Macedonia under Antigonid dynasty, Syria and East under Seleucids, the Attalid kingdom of Pergamum, and Egypt under Ptolemies. Egypt included the city of Alexandria, which was considered the largest city in the Mediterranean region. This city became a center for production of parchment, textiles, linens, oils, glass and lots of trading. 8 Going back to the business aspect of Alexander the Great, these became protected trade routes. His successes have not been repeated to the same extent he finished it out to be.

“Many have since tried to repeat this strategy. Some have succeeded, but he was the first. ” 9 For Alexander the Great, nothing was impossible. Many may obtain his characteristics as overconfident and brave but that is simply what this kind of ruler needs to consist of.

The Macedonian Army is the army that basically enabled Alexander the Great to conquer the Persian Empire. Alexander inherited this army from Philip; “the army had served Philip in the years leading up to and including Chaeronea” 10 Thus, many can come to consensus that Alexander the Great’s most valued accomplishment is becoming an emperor.This is not the case. Too sum up his positive leadership aspect; he encouraged a cultural variety, which then introduced his great achievement of diversity. Alexander altered the state of being in the minds of many.

He introduced new knowledge to others by spreading Greek culture. The Persian Empire is a part of southern Asia that goes back to the early centuries where Cyrus the Great founded it. Alexander the great risked a lot by putting much effort to destroy the Persian Empire. “There is no doubt that Alexander was taking a chance in attacking the Persian Empire.Although weakened in some respects, it was still a strong state. ” 11 The attack at the Granicus River in 334 B.

C. was a very bloody battle that induced a lot of troublesome factors. Based on Alexander’s success as a whole, “Historians, both ancient and modern, generally agree that Alexander was an outstanding military leader. ” 12 Alexander simply was able to plan out new tactics quick enough to adapt to changing situations.

Wounded in battle plenty of times, even more than the typical fighter, he still pushed forward and moved on.Meanwhile, the business aspect of this whole conquest derives from the gold mines at Mount Pangaes. This gold simply helped him pay soldiers of the Hellenistic world and also ensured the fact that they would fight year round. Through the Hellenistic world, it was recognized that the value of technological improvements in warfare and the creation that a group of engineers used to design new catapults to destroy an enemy’s fortifications. “On the macro level, in the historical lives of political bodies, we discern similar ambivalences and alterations.

I want to suggest that globalization is characterized by two types of indeterminacy, one involving the interaction of more and less inclusive identities. ” 13 In relation to business, this was a viewpoint of a scholar on Alexander the Great. War was a familiar way of gaining profit. This is a strong visual way of interpretation of Alexander the Great’s plan of business. It can be determined through his accomplishes that he was a vivid leader who introduced ideas of his Greek culture to the conquering lands he succeeded during his conquests.