In today’s society there are so many things that are distractions in our everyday life. Some people are obsessed with their religion, some people are hooked on sports, but in the last forty years or so people have really become obsessed with technology. Not because technology is just the only thing out, but because technology has advanced in so many different ways.

The cars we drive, phones we talk on, TV’s we watch have all advanced in major ways. My thinking has been influenced by the technological devices that I use. In my personal life, I use lots of technology. My favorite piece of technology is my cell phone.

On my phone I can not only make calls, but I can download and play games, surf the web, keep track of my agenda, download different apps, and even check my emails. I also use the computer, tv, dvd player, radio, and gaming consoles to keep me entertained. I love to listen to the radio to dance to while I clean the house, and while I’m driving to and from different places. When I’m not listening to the radio, I love to challenge my husband and kids to a game on the Wii. My Wii is my outlet for me, as crazy as that may seem. Whenever I’m stressed out and can’t get to Forest Park, I play my Wii, and for some odd reason it relieves my stress.

Professionally, I have to use technology because I have to network with clients and other business people. I use my computer and my cell phone for networking. I use the computer to advertise my product on the web. My cell phone is another important piece of technology because I take orders from my phone, and use an app called Instagram to advertise my product as well; I also found that a copy machine is my best friend because I make copies of all transactions, and I make copies of all business related emails for my record to ensure that I’m not making any mistakes when processing orders.

My GPS used to be handy for me when I would make deliveries, but it started getting me lost so I turned to Mapquest on the internet to give me directions to the different locations I needed to go. As a result of these wonderful technologies, my business couldn’t be going any better. Academically, I don’t think I use too many different technologies. I would say my flash drive is my most important piece of technology because I’m able to store every assignment I do on it. Flash drives are great to have because they are small and can go everywhere with me.

Another device I use for academics is the computer. I use the computer to surf the web and to research different assignments. I found that my computer is used the majority of the time. I also use a printer to print the research I find and to print the typed assignments I have to turn in. In class, we use a projector so that the entire class can view what the teacher is discussing all at the same time.

It’s amazing how a small box can send a picture to a white screen and display movies, pictures, and text.As a result to all these technologies, I’ve noticed that my life is much simpler. In my personal life, I use technology more than I do in my professional and academic lives. After writing down all the technologies I use, I realize it’s something that humans and even animals have become accustomed to. Technology is here and here to stay even though some people may think it’s consuming our lives. While we can live without it, it’s just so much easier to have.

After reading “ Is Google making Us Stupid? ”