How can you use the study techniques recommended for your personality type and strongest intelligence to function best in a distance learning environment? Distance learning requires a lot of personal discipline if one is to excel. One has to identify and exploit all their strengths while looking for ways to minimize their weaknesses. When an individual identifies his or her personality type, it then becomes easier to identify which study techniques to use (Carter C. , Bishop J. , Kravits S.

L. 2007). Which techniques can you use to improve less developed personality areas or intelligences?For every personality type there are those study techniques that suit them best. To be able to improve the less developed personality areas or intelligences, one has to put more effort in understanding and utilizing those skills that are difficult for them to use.

www. familyeducation. com/topic/front/0,1156,1-12410. htm http://www. infed. org/thinkers/garden.

htm http://www. thomasarmstrong. com/multiple_intelligences. htm My intelligence is the logical or mathematical intelligence which is supposed to use logic numbers and reason to understand.

The people with this intelligence are very curious and like experimenting a lot. They are also good in solving problems and connecting pieces of information to get a wholesome view of the matter in question. They are inclined to the careers of scientists, accountants, mathematicians, engineers, researchers and computer programmers. In my case most of the information is true and it has been so since I was very young. I have always been curious and would like to get into any of the suggested careers as they are challenging. What learning similarities and differences are apparent in the different check-point responses?The identified techniques of study include: organizing your study, reading, taking notes and learning and remembering.

Reading and taking notes was one area most people adhere to while organizing one’s study, although chosen by many people, was different in the way that the study was organized. Learning and remembering was not similar in responses since some learn and hence remember what they learnt while others remember for the purpose of the exams and later forget. What is the importance of knowing your personal learning strengths in addition to those of your classmates?The importance of learning the strength of all the individuals in the class is because when working as a group you are able to achieve more. Each individual has strengths and weaknesses and when in a group you are able to promote the strengths while minimizing the weaknesses of individuals. How can this knowledge be beneficial to collaborative work completed in an online learning environment? When learning online, a lot of motivation is required for the individuals if they are to succeed and if they know the strengths and weaknesses of individuals they know who is best in what.

This ends up giving them excellent results.