I did my site on the Easter Seals Blake Foundation. I have been personally working with the Blake Foundation since my daughter was taken away from CPS.

The Blake Foundation offers many programs for children, families, and adults. Some of these programs are early head start, early intervention, behavioral health services, traumatic brain injury, and habilitation. The Blake Foundation is mostly found on the west coast. There are 3 locations of the Blake Foundation in Arizona; they are in Tucson, Sierra Vista, and Phoenix.This establishment offers the best qualities to families and their children. When I went down to the site I noticed that there is many offices but in the back there is a playroom for therapy sessions.

The facility is always nice and clean and brings out the best in their clients. They also provide the best care possible to help families understand and work with their children and help them the best way possible. The population that participates in the program is usually single mothers, Families that are involved with Child Protective Services (CPS) and families that are looking for help.This population is further broken down into a major category. This major category is families that are involved with CPS.

This reason is because most of the cases that involve CPS are brought by them. Since the office is broken down into two major offices. Now in my situation I work with Faith Edison and Myrina Robinson. One does therapy and the development therapy to help my daughter with developmental delays. The Easter seals present the program but it is people like Faith and Myrina that handle the interventions along with most of the people in the office.When CPS referres a case to the Blake Foundation, they help decide what part of intervention is needed for the family.

If the family needs help because the child has a developmental delay, then the facility will offer services such as developmental therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy along with early development preschool. The effectiveness of the program is measured by charts, and graphs. When the intervention is usually put into the place, where the intervention is needed the people that are working with the family will sit down and write out a case plan.This is followed my numerous Child and Family Team meetings. CFT measure the progress that is going on with the program that is being offered to the family and how the program is progressing. This also measures what more is needed for the families as well.

They are usually held at the Blake Foundation and involve the parents, the counselors and if CPS is involved then the CPS case worker. The Easter Seals decided that there is a program that was needed for families who were struggling with kids with learning disabilities and developmental delays.So they built the Blake Foundation to make sure that people can get the information and therapy to help them with their children and to make sure that the family understands how they can help their children and make it easier for them to take care and understand their children’s needs. The Blake Foundation by offering developmental therapy uses many different behavioral and cognitive models and techniques which help not only the child but the family as well. One of the cognitive techniques that they use is color matching.

This teaches the child with developmental delays how to name their colors and it makes it fun for everyone which is what helps the child realize their full potential. The therapist that works with the family for therapeutic reasons uses the behavioral techniques by teaching the family how to interact with the child and initiate play. This works well with children that suffer from autism. Since they mostly use behavioral and cognitive techniques and theories they really do not use any other methods or techniques other than what I have mentioned.

I have been working with the Blake Foundation since June of last year and I have found their program to be very effective and helping especially when it comes to my children. My son suffers from Ausburgers and my daughter has Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specialized (PDDNOS). Since both of them need constant attention and services CPS thought that the Blake Foundation would help in understanding what was going on and how we could help the both of them.My feelings on the Blake foundation is that they are a very organized and accommodating company that can help families turn around and my first reaction when I first walked into the Blake Foundation is that they were just another helping company. My opinion of them changed the more I meant with them and worked with them.

Without them I do not think my daughter would have improved as great as she did because she has the mind of two year old trapped in a four year olds body. Working with the Blake Foundation offered me a chance to help my children in the best possible way.The Blake Foundation offers many programs to families that are struggling. Even though most of the cases are referred by CPS, the Blake foundation does not make you feel that you are just another family in the system.

They make you feel like a normal person and that you can help achieve the goals that were set by the company to help the children. They offer a professional relationship but I have noticed that the more that you work with them you develop a personal relationship as well. They however do not mix the two. If you are working with one of the therapists they do offer their cell phones in case of an emergency.The Blake Foundation makes it possible for other programs to help out as well such as Patano and CPS. Since the referral is brought usually by CPS the company offers the best quality care and the offers the best assurance for the family.

In conclusion this company happens to be one that I would trust with my children and without them I do not think that I would understand my children as well as I do know. This is why I would put my faith in the Blake Foundation. I would like to thank Myrina Robinson and Faith Edison for their information about the program and their time.