Humans and primates come from the same family, the Hominidae (O’Neil, “Humans”). Moreover, when we trace human evolution using Charles Darwin’s theory, humans came from great apes which have just developed into a more complex being capable of reasoning. Humans and other primates in this case are both mammals. In 1758, Linneaus classified human among primates (Simons 32) and these two species only differs physically to some degree.

O’Neil, moreover, specifically identified African apes as human’s origin and discussed some physical similarities: African apes and humans both do not have external tails and have the same set of fingers that are separate from each other, allowing precise grips. Primates and humans are both omnivorous; they eat both meat and vegetables. The same species have also the same position of body organs and the almost the same arrangement of bones. Male human are also larger in built than female like all other primates.Other than physical characteristics, humans and primates are also the same in some behavior. In terms of raising a family, unlike other animals, primates nurse their children until they grow independent and learn to look for food for their own living.

Moreover, primates like humans also groom themselves. Primates are also concern about their physical appearance in the eyes of others. In addition, what humans and primates have in common is the building community among the same species.