Mrs/ Mr The Chairperson, members of the jury and dear audience, a very good morning/ evening/ afternoon to all of you. The topic of our debate is : should parents be held responsible for their children misbehaviour? I’ll first start by defining juvenile crime, it the habitual committing of criminal acts or offences by a young person, especially one below the age at which ordinary criminal prosecution is possible. I am now going to discuss the points why parents should be held responsible for their children misbehaviour. First, the children's behaviour is the direct result of how parents have brought them up.

Families play an enormous role in the shaping of a child's risk for future offending. Children learn their behaviour how to behave, from the moment they are born, mostly from whoever they spend the most amount of time that is with their parents. When a baby is born, it is in effect of an empty vessel. Yes, it will have tendencies and characteristics that will make it a unique individual, however, how they develop will depend on what percentage of garbage compared to good they are exposed as they develop. Second, children only know as much as they are taught.

Children come into this world knowing nothing. They don't come into the world knowing right from wrong it’s the parents job to teach the children. If the parent doesn't teach the child right from wrong as they grow up then the child will think that mischievous behaviour's are acceptable in society and most likely end up in prison so the parents should be held responsible for their child's actions. Third, children are children.

Sometimes they are a bit crazier than we would like, but disrespectful or disobedient behaviour is never acceptable.If the parents are polite and humble, there are many chances that their children will also be. If the parents are demanding and rude, their children will pick up on their bad behaviour. Parents are 100% responsible for how their children act. My last point is, parents are the roots of their children’s behaviour. They should teach them good morals, self-control and importantly respect.

If a child does not have respect, we tend to say he/she inherited the parents’ behaviour. I say yes! They should carry the burden. Thank you all for your kind attention.