September 11th, 2001. Just another morning at the station, right? Well, ya, it was, until around 8:45am when we got a call that changed everything. I was expected to go inside the North Tower of the World Trade Centre as it collapsed. Me? I can’t believe it.

I don’t know what to say or what to feel. I think to myself “I’m a member of the New York Fire Department; I have to do this no matter how hard it may be”.I think to myself, while we are on our journey there, that it will be okay. I just arrive at the sight. I freeze. It Is surreal.

That is the only word that can be used to describe the scene. All I am thinking is “I can’t do this. I just can’t do it!” This is much worse than any fire I have ever seen. I am not ready for this. A 110 story building is burning, collapsing right in front of my eyes! I start running towards the North Tower, when I see a guy with a telescope aimed at the tower.

That picture I know I will never forget. At about the 60-70th floor, people were hanging from windows trying to get air. Some were even holding onto the side of the building whilst waving a white t-shirt, to try to get some help, but failing. I watch with shock, anger and horror! I run forward to get a closer look at what I hope is just my imagination.

People are jumping, people are screaming, people are crying, people are dying. I just don’t know how I can save them? I look down to see the rest of the department run into the North Tower, and all I am doing is standing here saying, “How can this happen? This is the most horrible accident ever.”Oh my god!!! A plane just crashed into the South Tower. Right in front of my eyes. My two favourite buildings in all of America are collapsing and thousands of people are dying or going to die.

That is when it hits me, the smell of burning bodies, the smoke going into my lungs rapidly and taking my breath away. And that’s when I realise, I have to do this. I have to save as many people as possible. No matter what happens to me; because I know, that this is not an accident.