The methodologies that the researcher has chosen to use for the IRP are primary and secondary data. The secondary research that has been used for the IRP to conduct information about the topic is the internet, as they have researched deeply into websites that have strong opinions on the topic and have noted how the media influences a teenage girls body image and whether they believe how it can be both negative or positive, the internet has a range of information that they have used to gather my secondary research and put together my project.Another secondary research has been used is a set of different books such as “what’s happening to our girls” –Maggie Hamilton, which gives a clear understanding of how girls are approached by the media, this book is information gathered by interviewing girls, teachers, school counselors and psychologists to view on what girls are experiencing throughout their teenage years.

Another book is “nobody’s perfect” –Kimberley kirberger and this book is about teenage girls learning to accept, appreciate and love their bodies. From all the secondary research that they have been able to gather a range of information on whether it is believed that the media has an influence on a teenage girl’s body. The primary research methods that was used in the IRP are surveys and oral interviews.They have chosen to do a survey as it is an easy and quick form of gathering information about the topic, the good thing about surveys is that you are able to hand out a large amount of surveys to different girls and collect all the data recorded to justify whether the media is a negative or positive impact on teenage girls The other primary research method that was chosen is interviews as it is a face to face form of communication and allows you to gather a wide range of open ended, qualitative data.

Interviews provide information directly to you about people’s motivations, feelings and attitudes towards the topic being asked.