(adj) randomSynonyms (I honestly don't know these are synonyms):Subjective- (adj) based on feelings or opinions rather than factsDespotic- (adj) tyrannical
(adj) uncompromising, strict, forbiddingSynonyms:Ascetic- (adj) characterized by or suggesting the practice of severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasonsSpartan- (adj) showing the indifference to comfort or luxury traditionally associated with ancient Sparta
(adj) rude, meanSynonym:Boorish-(adj) resembling or befitting crude insensitivity
(n) a lack ofSynonym:Paucity- a small amount of something; an amount that is less than what is needed or wanted
(adj) lacking confidence, shySynonym:Timid- (adj) feeling or showing a lack of courage or confidence
(adj) diverseSynonyms:Multifarious- (adj) of many and various kindsSundry- (adj) made up of different things
(adj) petty, unimportantSynonyms:Trivial- (adj) of little worth or importanceTrifling- (adj) having little value or importance
(adj) at the beginning stages, not fully formedSynonyms:Inchoate- (adj) not completely formed or developed yetIncipient- (adj) beginning to develop or exist
(adj) causing harm or ruinSynonym:Insidious- (adj) causing harm in a way that is gradual or not easily noticed
(adj) wise, shrewdSynonym:Astute- (adj) having or showing an ability to notice and understand things clearly : mentally sharp or clever
(adj) shy or quietSynonyms:Tacit-(adj) expressed or understood without being directly statedTaciturn- (adj) tending to be quiet; not speaking frequently
(n) a self-seeking flatterer or suck-upSynonyms:Fawner- (n) one who to tries to get the approval of an important or powerful person by giving that person praise, special attention, etc.Toady- (n) a person who praises and helps powerful people in order to get their approvalTruckler- (n) one who acts in a subservient manner
(n) highest exampleEmbodiment- (n) someone or something that is a perfect representative or example of a quality, idea, etc.Epitome- (n) a perfect example; an example that represents or expresses something very wellExemplar- (n) an admired person or thing that is considered an example that deserves to be copiedParadigm- (n) a model or pattern for something that may be copiedParagon- (n) a person or thing that is perfect or excellent in some way and should be considered a model or example to be copiedQuintessence- (n) the essence of a thing in its purest and most concentrated form
(adj) sharply awareSynonyms:Canny- (adj) very clever and able to make intelligent decisionsKeen- (adj) having or showing an ability to think clearly and to understand what is not obvious or simple about somethingPerspicacious- (adj) having or showing an ability to notice and understand things that are difficult or not obviousPrudent- (adj) having or showing careful good judgmentSagacious- (adj) having or showing an ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisionsSavvy- (n) practical understanding or knowledge of somethingShrewd- (adj) having or showing an ability to understand things and to make good judgments; mentally sharp or clever
(adj) secretiveSynonyms:Covert- (adj) made, shown, or done in a way that is not easily seen or noticed; secret or hiddenFurtive- (adj) done in a quiet and secret way to avoid being noticedIncognito- (adv/adj) with your true identity kept secret (as by using a different name or a disguise)Privy- (adj) private, secretStealthy- (adj) quiet and secret in order to avoid being noticedSurreptitious- (adj) done in a secret wayUnobtrusive- (adj) not attracting attention in a way that bothers you
(n) one learning the rudiments of somethingSynonyms:Amateur- (n) a person who does something poorly; a person who is not skillful at a job or other activityDilettante- (n) a person whose interest in an art or in an area of knowledge is not very deep or seriousFledgling- (n) someone or something that is getting started in a new activityNeophyte- (n) a person who has just started learning or doing somethingNovice- (n) a person who has just started learning or doing somethingTyro (n)- a person who has just started learning or doing something
(n) bold rudenessSynonyms:Effrontery- (n) a very confident attitude or way of behaving that is shocking or rudeGall- (n) a very confident attitude or way of behaving that is shocking or rudeImpudence- (n) the quality of the inability to show proper respect and courtesyInsolence- (n) the quality or state of being rude or impoliteTemerity- (n) the quality of being confident and unafraid of danger or punishment especially in a way that seems rude or foolish
(v) to scold severelySynonyms:Admonish- (v) to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticismBerate- (v) to speak to (someone) in a way that expresses disapproval or criticismCensure- (n) official strong criticism Chastise- (v) to criticize (someone) harshly for doing something wrongExcoriate- (v) to criticize (someone or something) very harshlyReprimand- (v) to speak in an angry and critical way to (someone who has done something wrong, disobeyed an order, etc.)Reprove- (v) to criticize or correct (someone) usually in a gentle wayUpbraid- (v) to speak in an angry or critical way to (someone who has done something wrong)
(adj) harmfulSynonyms:Deleterious- (adj) damaging or harmfulInimical- (adj) likely to cause damage or have a bad effectInjurious (v)- causing injuryNocuous (adj)- harmfulNoxious- (v) harmful to living thingsPernicious- (v) causing great harm or damage often in a way that is not easily seen or noticedSalacious- (adj) relating to sex in a way that is excessive or offensiveVirulent- (adj) extremely dangerous and deadly and usually spreading very quickly
(adj) lazySynonyms:Apathetic- (adj) not having or showing much emotion or interestComplacent- (adj) satisfied with how things are and not wanting to change themLanguorous- (adj) characterized by feeling tiredLethargic- (adj) feeling a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing thingsListless- (adj) lacking energy or spiritPhlegmatic- (adj) not easily upset, excited, or angeredSlothful- (adj) inclined to be lazyTorpid- (adj) having or showing very little energy or movement; not active