The first chapter of a solid piece of literature often sets the base for the work, as well as giving the reader valuable insight into the setting, and mood of the piece. In the “The Prison Door, the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter, the author’s detail, diction and point of view set the tone and setting for the novel. Through the use of these literary elements, Hawthorne conveys an ominous tone but hopeful tone and a shift from a dreadful setting to a beautiful setting.

The opening passage does not only warn and hit to the reader that something isn’t right, it continually displays an unknown that is feared.The author’s diction intensifies the feelings toward the jail, and shows the shift from a dreadful to a beautiful setting. The chapter begins by introducing, “a thong of bearded men in sad-colored garments…assembled in front of a wooden edifice…” The words the author chooses convey a dreadful tone a sad setting. “Sad-colored,” not only tells the coloring of the clothes, but it helps to reveal the sad setting and ominous tone. By taking two completely opposite terms and combining them to make a clean mood, the author manipulates the reader’s senses.Because the reader does not know why the men are standing outside, the diction causes them to worry and feel sorry for the people.

As the chapter continues, the author’s diction changes to reveal a more beautiful setting. Sitting on the side of the jail was, “a wild rose-bush…with its delicate gems,” that gave hope to the prisoner as he “went in. ” Because the setting of the story changes rather quickly, the ominous tone still remains the same. The fact that the rose-bush is on the side of the jail makes the passage seems mysterious. It makes the reader fear something that is unknown.

The author’s detail reinforces the shift in tones and settings. At the end of the chapter, Hawthorne notes that, “in token that “the deep of Nature could pity and be kind to him. ” Hawthorne contrasts the ugly, environment with the beauty and liveliness of the rose bush. The details becomes more idealist and lively. The details of the rose bush, such as “their fragrance and fragile beauty mirror the kindness of the human spirit. The rose, a symbol of compassion, and beauty is ingrained in this environment, but the narrator reminds the readers that nature will easily forgive the criminal but man will not.

The point of view in the passage could be either third person or first person. At the beginning of the chapter, the narrator gives his personal thoughts by saying, “whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally protect…, and clarifies that the story is being told in a first person point of view. The personal thoughts of the narrator help the reader to better understand and analyze the passage. The narrator voices his own opinion and interpretations. The first chapter of a novel gives the reader insight to the mood, setting and other literary devices used in the novel.

The affect of the author’s use of diction, detail and point of view all help the reader better understand the story. While the diction and details may make the tone, setting or other literary devices more clear, the point of view can reinforce the drama in the scene and cause the reader to think more deeply into the passage. In the “The Prison Door, the first chapter of The Scarlet Letter, the author’s detail, diction and point of view set the tone and setting for the novel. Through the use of these literary elements, Hawthorne conveys an ominous tone but hopeful tone and a shift from a dreadful setting to a beautiful setting.