Forbidden, Possessive, All consuming, Just a multitude of techniques Robert Browning and Shakespeare presents each of their characters relationships, during Porphyria’s lover and Romeo & Juliet; with one being a poet and the other a play writer, they both display two star crossed lovers who will each defy against everything they know to be with one another. One theme that went again everything they knew was Romeo &Juliet’s defying nature against their families and tradition.During Romeo & Juliet both of their family’s disapproved of their relationship, for one main reason both characters belonged to two different rival groups, Capulet and Montague, which supported why there love could never be. Another reason to support that there relationship was against their families and tradition was presented through Juliet’s father when he saw her rebel against him as she expressed her lover for Romeo, but through her father’s eyes her relationship was against his wishes and was not following normal tradition of when the dad found a suitable air for his daughter to marry.

Hang thee, young baggage. ” – taken from when Juliet rebelled against her father’s wishes, suggesting that her relationship was against his wishes and that Romeo was just “Young baggage” weighing her down in comparison to Paris, who he felt could offer her and her family something more valuable than Romeo, which presents that Romeo & Juliet’s relationship was again seen as against their families wishes and defied tradition all together.In comparison to Romeo & Juliet, Porphyria’s lover also display’s another disapproving family and a couple defying against tradition; “Murmuring how she loved me - she Too weak, for all her heart’s endeavour, To set its struggling passion free From pride, and vainer ties dissever, And give herself to me forever. ” Robert Browning choice of words suggests that Porphyria was hesitant with the words spoken between her and her lover; “Murmuring” was the way in which Browning choose the way Porphyria presented her words as she pronounced her love to her lover.The way in which she spoke suggests that she was either frightened of her lover because he could have been violent towards her, yet she couldn’t help herself going back for more as if he was some sort of forbidden fruit, or was so consumed by their love that she was so lost in his presence that she lost all trail of though as she murmured on about how she loved him.

The idea of Porphyria’s lover being abusive could link to how it was like for women in the time period and can also compare to Romeo & Juliet on the fact that both of their relationships seemed to have some resentment of male dominance.Also the use of “Vain” suggests that their relationship could have had struggles when it came to the tradition, with Porphyria not wanting to break the sexual code before marriage which could have brought shame to her family name, which was upper class unlike her lover who was believed to be lower class, which also could have caused stress on the relationship with her unable to cut off her privileged life to be with her lover. The use of “vain” also links to “Vainer ties dissever” which is her family.Away in which I think why the relationship could have been presented form a family’s perspective would be that they saw the relationship against their wishes and that they wanted her to respect the class she was born into and want the best for their child.

Shakespeare’s use of an opening pro log seems to give everything away at once, not leaving anything to shock the audience. As a result of this the audience knows everything that’s going to happen even before the characters know that is going to happen.The way in which Shake Spear writes his play scripts shows his understanding of the way he wants their relationship to be presented; the way he uses sonnets, the language of love, with in his play suggests that he used them so the audience knew form recognising the sonnet that it was a sonnet for the 14 love filled lines Shake Spear presented will Romeo & Juliet announced their love for one another as they meet for the first time.In a sonnet the last 2 lines are rhyming couplets shows that both people were under an illusion, a trance that was only breakable by the last word that left one of their lips as their last words were exchanged. Not only this but it suggests that both people in the relationship were so uncontrollable in love that they felt they felt the need to speak in sonnets which at the time was recognised for its tales of love and passion. In comparison to Romeo & Juliet, Robert Browning’s choice of structural technique, continuous stanza, suggests that the relationship was written to be everlasting and was meant to be seen in this way.

The continuous stanza also suggests that the relationship was presented to use as just forever them too no once in between them to get involved in their relationship and no-one to stop the love both of them shared. Also the ending of the poem represented the end of their relationship which could suggest even though Porphyria’s lover went to unimaginable lengths to make their love undying in the end it did die with the ending of the poem.Porphyria’s love was an all-consuming love. “Porphyria” itself is an all-consuming disease that caused mental disturbances, which can support the idea that Porphyria was the disease that consumed her lover, suggesting that, that was the reason why her lover’s thoughts where so distorted as Robert Browning wrote the poem as if Porphyria’s lover was writing all the thoughts that ran through his head as Porphyria arrived, forwarding the suggestion that their love was All-consuming. That moment she was mine, mine” supports that Porphyria’s lovers thoughts were twisted, obsessive and that his love for Porphyria consumed all of his thoughts. The fact that his relationship consumed him to the point that he had to repeatedly remind and persuade himself that she loves him back, but the way he says “Mine, mine” suggests that he felt their relationship was one sided and that he needed to reassure himself that she felt the same way as he did.

It’s as if he felt the need to reassure himself that she was his forever, overall he is trying to feed his thirst for attention from his lover, the disease that haunted his every move, which suggests that their relationship was obsessive and all- consuming as Porphyria’s lover seemed to fit in two both stereotypes because of his obsessive behaviour as her wrote his thoughts down about Porphyria, which was also seen as all-consuming in the sense that the love they shared consumed both of them, but Porphyria’s lovers, love was more all-consuming to the extent that it was like Porphyria was a disease that consumed him.All-consuming was also broadly presented through Romeo & Juliet as well as both characters sharing an obsessive relationship with one another. A way in which Shakespeare’s presents their relationship as consuming is through the use of sophisticated language which was carried out in his play script; “These violent delights have violent ends And in their triumph die, like fire and powder Which, as they kiss, consume” Showing that the love they shared would consume them in the end.Death would be the only way in which they could be together without people obsessing over their love, as they tried to tear them apart. The “violence” that tried to separate them did succeed but not in the way they had hoped.

Their relationship had become stronger and lead to both character’s love for one another to turn to an obsession, which both characters shared equally. This obsessive behaviour leading to both Rome & Juliet to seek more extreme lengths to be with one another … e. g.Juliet’s quick attempt to foul everyone into thinking she was dead so Her and Romeo could runaway together, ending in death for both characters.

This love shows their relationship was destroyed by the obsession both Romeo & Juliet shared and the un-healthy obsession both characters families and friends had over their relationship. Also the undying love that both characters shared could have been resulted because of their rebellion against their families and their craving to be with one another at the result of their love consuming them ,that they could not bear being without one another.Their relationship isn’t similar to Porphyria’s lover in the sense that the love that Porphyria and there love shard was more one sided than Romeo & Juliet’s which was equally disrupted between the pair, which leads me to believe that the relationship was a strong and close knitted relationship that was seen as Obsessive and undying from their friends and family’s point of view.To conclude Porphyria’s lover and Romeo & Juliet where very similar in the sense that their relationships were both affected heavily by their families which in a way influenced both of the relationship to take drastic measures to secure their love would be infinite. Another way in which they were similar was the peer pressure both couples faced against trying to stick to tradition as much as they could without ending their relationships with the families or with their partners.

On the other hand both relationships were different because both of them encountered obsession in different ways. Romeo & Juliet’s obsession was mainly through their friends and families need to meddle in their relationship, trying to tear them apart form their own obsession with one another. But all in all both relationships were well present through Shakespeare’s and Robert Browning’s use of structure, sophisticated language and up most their overall idea of such complex characters and story lines.