The Roman Empire had many highlights within it. Roman Empire became the sole power in the Mediterranean. The gap between the poor and rich started to grow causing a civil war.

This then caused a first triumvirate which was a pact to control Rome. Pompey, Marcus Crassus, and Julius Caesar were all part of this first triumvirate. Julius was an important leader but soon the senate disliked many of his reforms so they conspired and got him assassinated. There were three men that ruled after this Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus.Octavian and Antony rose to power and threatened each other so they fought for power.

Octavian won and Antony committed suicide leaving Octavian in power. This then starts the pax romana which is a period of peace and prosperity. The death of Marcus Aurelius ended the pax romana a period of conflict followed afterwards. German tribes then started to invade but the Empire had little money for a defending military so they had to hire people from the outside who had little loyalty to them.The economy then began to decline and the Roman money began to decline. The Empire was then divided into four units and there was a price and wage freeze was put into place.

Constantine started to rule and created a new capital city called Constantinople. There were two capitals now, Constantine and Rome. Both capitals and all of Rome suffered military defeats against the Germanic tribes. They took control of the regions that were part of the Roman Empire but the Easter part called Byzantine continued to prosper.