People around the world have a set of beliefs whether they choose to believe in Jesus Christ or not to agnostic and gnostic, everyone has a set of beliefs which they hold on to.However the question arises on how can we practice it outside our homes specifically at work without imposing other people’s rights who may not hold to the same views as one does. How does the view of a utilitarianism, deontology, and relativism tie into this matter, and could we find a balance on both sides to come to a logical conclusion on how things could be run at a workplace.People seem to shy away when it comes to talk about religion and politics for good  reason.One cannot come out of the conversation agreeing with the other side so they revert back to relativism which is a go to for some trying to avoid confrontations, but what about our rights  to religious practice at work? Where does one draw the line? We were born with the freedom of choice, this includes choosing to believe in what others tell you, to listen to things etc.

One can easily choose to leave the room or place, but where it gets troubling is if it takes place during a meeting and the other persons morals are founded strongly on their religious beliefs and they just might either make or break a company based on their decision or performance. Why though do we feel as if we need to have the right to express ourselves?Well as Mosser., K explains “ because religion is such a basic part of a person’s self-conception, someone may feel his or her right to the free expression of religious beliefs is restricted by not  being allowed to state them when and where he or she wishes.” A company may reap the blessings of a group or an individual true Christian and still not be biased to that person onlybecause of the good that is coming out of it. This would result in good for the greatest number of people according to a utilitarianism view. However there is another side to the coin even in the same ethical theory.

Rule utilitarianism states that “allowing the majority’s religious views to be imposed on a minority  does not create the greatest good for the greatest number.” (Mosser K.,)This also brings into  light that people cannot be forced into something that they do not want to accept. Christianity  was never meant to be forced upon people, but over the years it has been twisted to mean something other then what is true though there are those who still hold faithfully to what is right.Even at mandatory work functions one cannot force prayer or religious service on one  without possibly violating state laws.

Sam Grover explains “most likely any prayer or religious  service that accompanies a mandatory work event or meeting would violate Title VII  discrimination laws under the same reason used in Townley.” (Grover, S. 2010)The nextquestion one could ask themselves how much is too much, when someone continuously asks to  attend church or has their bible out on their office desk? Harassment has taken place in the workplace when “an employee is required or coerced to abandon, alter, or adopt a religious practice as a condition of employment” (Grover, S 2010) A person by no means base their decisions on whether a person is of the same beliefs and or style of worship to give them the greatest good even if that particular religion is the biggest in the  workplace, and leave the others hanging dry.In an article written by ACLJ it speaks about prayer in the workplace as being legal,  stating “In sum prayer is not illegal, unauthorized, inappropriate, nor improper – and as long as  employees pray before or after working hours, or during official breaks, there should be no  problem at all.” (ACLJ 2012)So the person cannot make it mandatory for anyone to participate  in a religious gathering nor can they hold it against them in terms of gaining a status at a job, and make it into a utilitarian view on them.So what are the outcomes of the utilitarianism over an issue like prayer in the workplace? One can practice their religion on their own personal time as long as it does not conflict with  work and can perform their duties while on the job.The greatest good that comes from this view is that all people are protected in some way or form, but we will always have those who have  ethical egoism and that is what the greatest number of people are protected from in the laws that are set forth.Using the view of deontology (Golden Rule) it serves as a good foundation and rule of  them to treat others.