Prospero is protective of those who are close to him especially Miranda. Throughout “The Tempest”, Prospero slowly makes sure Ferdinand’s and Miranda’s love will not fade quickly.

Prospero even called Ferdinand a traitor just to make Miranda seem harder to get. This way the couple wouldn't become a lost cause when Prospero says "They are both in either's powers. But this swift business I must uneasy make lest too light winning make the prize light. ” Here, he is revealing his true plan to Ariel that he wants to make Miranda harder to get.This is because Prospero feels their love will be stronger if it is harder to obtain.

Prospero is also protective when he says “the strongest oaths are straw to th' fire I' th' blood. ” This was said to Ferdinand after Prospero makes him promise not to have sex with Miranda before they are married. He is stunned to see that after his promise Ferdinand is playing around with Miranda. Prospero is a very forgiving man, because near the end of the story he forgives the two people who hurt him the most Antonio and Caliban. An example of this is when he says to Caliban “As you look to have my pardon trim it handsomely. Prospero forgives Caliban even though he tries to rape Miranda, turns against Prospero, and tries to kill him.

This was especially hurtful, because Prospero raises Caliban like a son. This was probably not as hurtful as the betrayal of Prospero's brother, Antonio. Antonio was the one who casts Miranda and Prospero out on a ship to die. Only they end up on an island for twelve years. Still Prospero forgives Antonio when he says “for you most wicked sir, whom to call brother would even infect my mouth I do forgive thy fault all of them.