Explain the physiology the cardiovascular and the digestive system in the body in relation to energy metabolism in the body. Discuss the role of energy in the body and analyse how those two body systems interrelate to perform a named functions. For distinction analyse Energy it is the ability to do work. Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be changed to another form.

Without energy we would not be able to growth or move. To stay alive we need regular and permanent supply of energy or else we would die.Without energy our body would not be able to carry out processes such as: * Growth and reconstructions of new cells and tissues as energy is necessary to supply biochemical reaction that then is building larger organic molecules from simpler ones. * Active transport without energy wouldn’t be successful as energy is needed for moving the substances in and out of the cells e. g.

by active transport amino acid is being delivered to the blood from the small intestine. * Movement as energy is necessary for all movements and human movements are occurring in certain stages: * Inside cells - chromosomes separating.Whole cells – sperm swimming (to reach the egg sperm need to swim 7500 times its own length to reach the egg and without energy it would be impossible to do) * Tissues – muscles control * Whole organs – heart beating * Parts of whole organisms such as walking and talking. Also we need the energy from respiration to maintain our body at a constant 37C as we human are warm blooded which can advantage or disadvantage us.

Being warm blooded can disadvantage as warm-blooded bodies are providing nice and warm environment for viruses, bacteria’s and parasites to live in.The advantage of being warm blooded is that we can move then it is cold, as if we were cold blooded we wouldn’t be able to move during the cold weather. As much as we need energy we also need food to keep us alive for humans food is like fuel and without it we would die. We need food to get energy to help us grow and repair damaged cells and tissues. Also it is important to keep a balanced diet to prevent becoming underweight or overweight. When the body is taking more energy from food than is necessary the oversupply will be stored under the skin as a fat and it will also start surrounding intered organs such as heart.

Also the location of a body fat is different in terms of sex hormones e. g. males tend to store the fat around their waist area, while women fat can be stored around buttocks or thighs. When body is not getting enough energy from the food the body has to take out stored fat and protein. Then when supplies are still low body is using the actual fabrics such as muscles they keep disappearing as the body has to keep supplying different parts of the body to keep alive.

Everybody has their own metabolism.Metabolism is the amount your body converts food into energy for activity, functions needed for living and the repairing of damaged tissue. Metabolism is always working whether we are sleeping, sitting, reading or exercising. Greatest way to use our metabolism to its fullest potential is to burn an excess of calories during the exercise and then rest. This will allow our metabolism to take over and repair the damage it needs and continue to burn calories as we continue with daily routine. If we will keep this cycle our metabolism will conform this cycle: eat, take in fuel, exercise, burn calories and rest to repair damage.

The mean function of digestive system is to break down the larger fragments in food like protein and starch into their monomers (smaller molecules) amino acid and sugars- so that they will easier absorb into the body. After getting fed the food in our body need to travel certain distance around the body before being turned into energy. The food will pass through more than 22 feet of tubing, be mixed with chemicals from four different glands, be separated between useful and not useful elements and the whole process could take more than14 hours as digestion has two functions to carry:1. Break food into tiny parts, so that the useful elements of food could be absorbed into out bloodstream and sent through our body. 2.

Get rid of useful parts of the food that our body can’t use. Digestion starts in mouth and it is going through several steps. Teeth which are a Mechanical digestion start tearing and crushing the food down into small pieces so that the food will smoothly run down our throat. The salivary glands are located underneath the back of our tongues and that’s what is creating our saliva. The saliva is the Chemical Digestion is helping soften the food in the mouth so it is easy to swallow.

Also saliva is the first out of several chemicals that is breaking the food into smaller bits. The tongue is the muscle that works with the food and saliva to form something similar to balls that can be swallowed. Also tongue contains taste buds so that we know if the food is salt, sweet, sour or bitter. Esophangus is a simple transportation tube that is joining the throat with stomach.

When swallowing we are closing a trap door in our throats called the epiglottis. By closing this trap we are preventing the food prom going to trachea and into our lungs. Also Food moves down the esophangus using muscles not gravity.Stomach is the first stop after the Esophangus. When the food gets into stomach the stomach uses chemicals to try to make the food smaller. These chemicals are called gastric juices and they include hydrochloric acid and enzymes.

(Enzymes are biological catalysis which means that they are speeding up the chemical reaction in living bodies). The food is moved around in the stomach and mixed with the chemicals for chyme. The food is still not small enough to get unto our blood stream and it has not provided the body with anything useful yet. Now a valve at the end of the stomach is opening to send the food past the liver.At this point liver/gall bladder our food is being hit with more chemicals.

As the liver is making chemical called bile but that chemical is not stored in the liver, as it is stored in the gall bladder. When the bile is mixed with food it is breaking down the fat from milk, cheese etc into smaller elements. Later this fat will supply us with energy. Next step is the pancreas this adds a digestive chemicals as the food leaves the stomach. The digestive juices are breaking down the carbohydrates and the proteins such as bread, potatoes, meats, and butter.Then the food passes through the small intestine.

The small intestine is 22 feet long. This is where the real digestion takes place. As the food passes through, it is mixed with the new chemicals and soon the food we have eaten in now digested small enough to be put to use by the body. Along the wall of the intestine are thousands of tiny fingers called villi. Blood vessels in the villi absorb the tiny food and send them off to the rest of our body through the blood.

Whatever the body cannot put to use is sent to the large intestine the big role of the large intestine is to remove water.Water has been only necessary until now but it is no longer needed as in the large intestine water is sent into the blood stream. So the food spends about 12 hours in the large intestine where it becomes and later leaves the body through the anal opening. The digestive system works hard to process the nutrients contained in food and its plays a big role in the cardiovascular system too. Those two bodily functions are tied together because the blood absorbs transport particles of vitamins and enzyme among the body including waste.If digestive system wasn’t functioning right it would also affect our circulation.

The digestive system includes the vital organs starting from the mouth and ending on the anus, which receive and digest the food and getting rid of the waste. The cardiovascular system is composed of the heart and the circuit of capillaries, arteries and veins. The cardiovascular system is responsible to keep the work of your intestine, lungs and kidneys and their function is to exchange of materials such as digested food, oxygen and waste and those organs would not function without circulatory system.This is a network of tiny tubes that containing fluids so then that fluid can be delivered through materials to all the cells in your body and then also take away our waste products. Our circulatory system is that huge that every living cell is only a few micrometres from a capillary. The blood that passes by is providing the cells with materials they need, taking their waste products and cleans them in their favourite conditions.

Our circulation system is composed of 3 elements:* A fluid – blood that flows in the system, carrying materials around the body. A system of vessels, arteries, veins, capillaries that carry the fuels. * A pump which is the heart, it keeps the fluid moving through the vessels. The cardiovascular system is divided for into two main parts: 1. The circulatory system: the heart which act as a pump and the blood vessels through which the blood circulates.

2. The lymphatic system: lymph nodes and lymph vessels through which colourless lymph flows. Those two systems combine together through communication. The lymphatic system is an open transport system that works in conjunction with the circulatory system.Lymphatic vessels connect intercellular fluid, kill foreign organisms, and the return it to the circulatory system. The lymphatic system also prevents tissue fluid from accumulating in the tissue spaces.

Lymph capillaries pick up the intercellular fluid, now called lymph, and carry it into larger and larger lymph vessels. Inside the lymph vessels, lymph passes through lymph nodes, were lymphocytes attack viruses and bacteria. The lymphatic system transports lymph to the larger brachiocephalic veins below the collarbone where it is re-enters the circulatory system.Lymph moves through the lymphatic system by the squeezing action of nearby backflow. The spleen, an organ of the lymphatic system, removes old blood cells, bacteria, and foreign particles from the blood.

The heart pumps blood into two separated systems of blood vessels: the pulmonary circulation and the systemic circulation. The right side of the heart is pumping the blood to the lungs where then the gas exchange take place i. e. the carbon dioxide is leaving the blood and entering the lungs and oxygen leaves the lungs and is entering the blood.

In the left side of the heart the heart is pumping the blood into the systematic circulation which provides the rest of the body with materials. Then the tissue waste is entering into the blood for excretion, and body c ells extract nutrients and oxygen. The circulatory system guides nonstop able flow to all cells of the body, and its function is to continual physiological adjustment in order to maintain the blood supplies. If the supplies of oxygen and nutrient to body cells become incorrect it could gain to tissue damage and the death of the cells.Conclusion: Two of those systems cooperate together and one without another wouldn’t function properly e.

g. there could be an imbalance in the immune system, loss of weight or even more condition such as death.. Intake of food is important in supplying the body with the nutrition it needs. The digestive system works hard to process the nutrients contained in food, playing a key role in the cardiovascular system in the process.

The two bodily functions are tied together because the blood absorbs the vitamins churned from digestion. If the digestive system malfunctions, your circulation will be affected as well.The fact is that the digestive system includes the vital organs from the mouth to the anus, which receive and digest the food and expel waste. The cardiovascular system, on the other hand, is composed of the heart and the circuit of capillaries, arteries and veins. The significance is that the body has an intricate set-up of functions that work together to create a fully functional human being, much like a machine that runs on well-tuned parts.

Each part or system cooperates with one another, such that when a screw is loose or rusty, problems can occur. The digestive system is linked to the cardiovascular system in the same way.Digestive organs need to be attuned to the heart and its components to ensure that your body functions as it should. The effect of a proper function of the digestive organs is to eliminate or reduces possible harm to the other body functions. One system to which it is closely linked is the cardiovascular system.

The heart pumps blood into these vessels, acting as fuel for the body. During digestion, the body produces enzymes to break down the food into smaller pieces. The nutrients derived from food are absorbed in the intestines and into the bloodstream.The blood then flows, spreading the nutrients throughout the body.

As the blood circulates, the toxins, on the other hand, are brought to the kidneys for elimination, while carbon dioxide is sent to the lungs. The benefit of the relationship between the digestive and cardiovascular systems is that they work hard when the body has to process a lot of food. The digestive system needs more blood to do the job; therefore, blood vessels expand in preparation for this. Digestive organs stimulate the heart through nerve impulses, sending signals for increased amount of blood.The heart responds accordingly by sending more blood supply to the digestive system.

So it means that without cardiovascular system the digestive system would be able to work effectively and it would be the same if digestive system stopped working as it would stop the cardiovascular system to work properly. The warning is that the poor dietary habits can lead to serious conditions in the digestive system and can affect the cardiovascular system. High cholesterol processed from rich and fatty foods cause build-up in the arteries, making blood flow slower. Heart disease then becomes a risk of heart attack.