The business that I am going to produce is a personalised logo company specified in dance schools, in need of customised dance wear. My company name is 'PDW' (Personalised Dance Wear). In order to satisfy my customers I will undertake each and every order from a customer and specifically create it to match their wishes of a design. If a customer is not satisfied with their product, I will acknowledge this issue and solve it until they are entirely happy.

The type of business that my business Is categorised in is a sole trader. A sole trader is a business which is owned by only one person, in which the owner is personally responsible for every aspect of the business, they have the freedom to make any decision they would like, for example you can decide on your own objectives e. g. making a large profit, achieving a target market share, expanding into other localities and products, although all profit gained from the company is kept by the owner, after tax is paid.Potentially if my company has future success and expands it could become a private limited company (LTD) even so in the companies further life it may become successful enough to fall in the category of a public limited company (PLC).

My idea of setting up a Personalised Dance Wear Company, came from the years of dancing I have been involved in. Dance has always had a huge impact on my life, and influenced me to take it a step further, for people to enjoy dance the way I did.I enjoyed having a personalised dance wear for the dance academy I danced for so I would like to promote my new business PDW too the population to give them a chance to get their own dance wear personalised. Also dance schools and academy's may take interest of having their own logo to represent themselves, as did I with my dance school. I have also decided to create a website for my personalised dance wear company as it will be a quick and easy way for people to describe what it is they want personalised, with a picture maybe to show what the logo will look like.

I am also using my website as a source of promotion, as the internet is a global system, this means the world population can access my website if in need of any personalised dance wear. A sole trader is a independent business owned by one person only! The owner is personally responsible for every aspect of the business. I am starting off as a sole trader, as my business is only small, although I would like to form a partner ship in the near future, to gain a larger profit.Being a sole trader is the most simplest way to run a business, it does not involve paying any registration fees, keeping records and accounts is straightforward, and you get to keep all the profits. However, you are personally liable for any debts that your business runs up, which make this a risky option for businesses that need a lot of investment.

This is the dance logo for my company PDW' I think that I may have to change a few slight things to make it unique and promising to all customers, this needs to be a stunning attraction to the population so that they are interested in my businesses service.However this logo idea I got from, www. trademarkia. com Mission statements- A mission statement is a formal, short written statement of the purpose of the company. The mission statement guides the actions of the business, provide a sense of direction, and look upon the company's overall goal. A mission statement also sets out all aims and objectives of a business.

An aim for a business is the overall direction in which the management wish it to develop over a period of time it expresses in general terms what the business sets out to do in the long term.A objective is a specific goal that a business wishes to achieve. An business will succeed in its aim through the achievement of a variety of objectives including profitability, growth, quality and social responsibility. My mission statement- 'PDW' is committed to the art of dance.

Our mission is to create a distinctive and unique design required for any dance company. For each new project that we undertake, we start by taking a fresh and innovative approach to the design assuring that it achieves your personal wants and needs.I think that this is a suitable mission statement for PDW as people are going to want high quality products that makes their dance company slick and unique, I need to make sure that any potential customer is fully aware that the products produced will only be made from the best quality, in order to assure them that their wants and need will be easily achieved leaving them highly satisfied with their clothing.My main aim is to assure that each and every design is made to the best possible standard, so that each dancer feels comfortable and freshly approachable when dancing.

The connection between the customer and PDW will be distinguished as consumers have to speak up and make their exact specification of the design that they are in need of.