China has changed a lot since Chairman Mao decided to change China from feudalization to socialism in 1940's. The transformation includes the cognition of people and the economics of the country. The cognitions of people have had a grate change in modern time owing to the 9 years required education system which was a law published about 20 years ago that young should take at least 9 years' education. This law ensures people's least knowledge of the nature world and specific technology.

As a result, people in modern China are much more intellectual than their ancestors and more and more people take education seriously because they see it as a way of changing their lives. In China in old days, especially before Qing dynasty, very few people could go to school. Actually, having education was only the privilege of the rich. On the other hand, although those minority could go to school, what they learned were only about the poet, writing, drawing, which had little relation to science and technology. As a result, compared to western countries, China was far behind in science and special technology in the early 20th century.

In contrary, myth was commonly accepted by people in old days. For example, the poor believed in god as a form of complaining their hard lives, oppressed by the rich and hoping for the good life. They didn't struggle for better life because they though that was their fate, which had been written in the fate book when they were born. There is a saying in China that the official's son is born as an official and the thief's son is born as a thief.

This illustrates that ordinary people just do the same work as their parents, rarely change their life to another kind.However, this is quite different to modern people in China. Nowadays, most young people have the confidence to change their lives by their own effort which always means hard study, getting specific knowledge, no matter who their parents are, very rich officials, business men, or very poor peasants because they know that every one is born equally, every one have the same human right. This concept began in about 1970's based on western developed countries when Chinese people saw the differences between different countries. However, old people had never thought about this.The only thing they did is praying.

They believed that as long as they were pious enough, they would get the help from the god. Also, for the reason that they had no knowledge of science, they couldn't explain natural phenomenon. When some natural disaster happened in old days, people did very foolish things. Here is a story of that.

In many years ago, aridness always happened in a small town. The town leader thought the reason why it didn't rain is that the river god who took charge of the rain was unhappy. So he ordered his people every year to throw a girl into the river to pray for the rain.These absurd things would never happen in recent years because of people's cognition of the nature while praying is handed down as a custom in old people.

Nowadays, in New Year Day, old people always go to the temples to ask for good luck and health in the new year. If say that there are some old people who still believe in god, nowadays, young people are quite against superstition because from primary school, they have began to learn scientific knowledge. They know what is true and what is the imagination by people.Besides scientific knowledge, Chinese students also learn a lot of specific knowledge in maths, physics, chemistry, biology when they are in high school. People averagely have more knowledge than previous people.

This could be the reason why China develops so quickly in recent years because technology is a factor of how developed a country is. Competitions are very intense in china, from school to company. Students all know that they have to study hard to get a good job in future, so they study from dark to dawn, hoping to be accepted by a famous university, then a good company.Many workers also would like to get futher study for not being eliminated in the competition.

These competitions makes people spend much time in learning more specific technology. People also think it is more practical to grasp certain technology in order to change their status and the whole society. To sum up, nowadays, Chinese people are living in a equal and quiet social environment, and they concentrate in learning technology which could make China a strong country. The economic has increased since Chinese government announced China is a open country and welcome foreign companies to invest in China.Those famous foreign companies take advantage of the cheap labour resource in China so they are ready to invest in Chinese market.

For the reason that these companies always pay higher salary to staff, working in these companies become the biggest wish among young people in these 5 years. As a result, people with high ability always choose these foreign companies rather than state-owned ones. Also, for the competition reason, State-owned factories are become less and less. Now, foreign companies do bring profit to China.

However, if one day, When human resource in China is no longer that cheap, of course those foreign companies will remove from China to other countries. At that time, what shall we do if we do not have our own strong companies and factories? Actually, people who work for foreign companies now can not learn how these companies operate and what is their technology because these companies just use the labour resource in China, they keep their technology secret to avoid being copied. If that problem happens, China would have a big economic problem.For this possible consequence, grasping technology by Chinese ourselves is really needed.

Technology is the key to a specific field, to the development of the country. Young people shouldn't choose a company only by the present profit. If they have learned a lot of useful technology, but in foreign companies, they can't put them to good usage, that's really a waste of talent. Although China is a socialism country, western capitalism country are much developed than China.

Big famous companies in those countries have good management and operating theory.Of course these positive points are worth learning, although capitalism and socialism are quite contradictory. Some Chinese do want to learn from these foreign companies but the problem will become that we learn nothing from those companies and at last lost our own talents. For another reason, just copy the management or other parts, for example the structure, owner-ship from foreign companies which are from capitalism, have the tendency to change our own ones into that are different from our society--- socialism.

We should use our technology to develop our own economic by ourselves, not just copy what others do.