Being a parent can be one of the most difficult jobs a person will ever have. It can be challenging when the child is in their adolescent years. Parent and their parenting styles play an important role in development of their child. Infact, many child experts suggest that parenting style can affect a child’s social and psychological development which influence not just their childhood years but also extend throughout their adult life. This is because a child’s development takes through number of stimuli, interaction and changes that surrounds him or her.

Parents have significant part in the child’s positive or negative behavior. There are four main types of parenting styles. This includes:- Authoritative Authoritarian Indulgent Neglectful Parenting Authoritative parenting is a type parenting style which is both demanding and responsive. In this style, parents encourage their children to be independent but at the same time they place limits as well as control their actions. Authoritative parents are not usually as controlling as authoritarian.Parents allowing children more explore, more freely , thus having them make their own decisions.

Often , authoritative parents produce children who are more independent and self-retiant . Authoritative parents understand their children emotion. However, they also teach the child how to control and to regulate these feelings. Another important characteristic of this style of parenting is that parents demand maturity and also sets limits. Punishments in this style are common although, it is not typically violent.

One of the advantages of this parenting style is that children tend to respond accordingly and properly to their parents because their limits are reasonable and just. Children are more likely to respond the authoritative parenting punishment because it is reasonable. A child knows why they are being punished because an authoritative parent makes the reason known. They are attentive to child’s needs and concerns and will typically forgive instead of punishing if a child falls short.

Authoritarian Parenting ; often referred as strict parenting as the style is demanding and un-responsive.One of the main characteristic of this style is that parents have high expectations from the child and conform to every rules and regulations. Authoritarian parents simple require the child to follow their orders without explaining the reason. Scholars suggest who adapt this style of parenting are often unresponsive o emotional needs of the child.

Children resulting from this type of parenting may have issue of less social competence because the parent generally tell the child what to do instead of allowing the child to choose by himself or herself.Some children of authoritarian parents show insecurities and display anti-social behavior. Indulgent Parenting is a style which is responsive and undemanding. This means that the parent is often lenient and permissive as they have very few behavioural expectations. An indulgent parent is also always involves with the child but creates or sets very few demands and limits. Children raised in this type of parenting are often seen as spoiled brats.

This type of children often display misconduct.Children of indulgent parents may tend to be more impulsive or may engage more in misconduct and in drug use. Children never learn to control their own behavioural and always expect to get their way. But in better case they are emotionally secure, independent, and willing to learn and accept defeat. (They mature quickly and are able to live life without help of someone else). The last type of parenting is Neglectful Parenting.

Unlike, the first three, neglectful parenting is neither responsive nor demanding.Rather, parents are detached and involve in their children activities. Neglectful parents tend to be dismissive and unresponsive to the child’s emotional needs. Children with a neglectful upbringing are often independent and mature. This type of parenting children are not expressive of their feelings and emotions.

Some teenagers also show misbehavior. Many children of this parenting style often attempt to provide for themselves or halt depending on the parent to get a feeling if being independent and mature beyond their years.Parent, and thus their children often represent a contradictory behaviour. Children are often emotionally withdrawn from social situations. According to Douglas Bernstein, “There is no universally best style of parenting” To conclude all that I must say that parents should not neither be “too hard” nor “too soft”.

They should be “just right” and that just right means parents should have interaction with the child and knows about his or her company and daily routine. So that, they can make their child a good citizen and become a good parents.