1. Find a list of all 10 Zappos' corporate values. Pick two of the values and explain how you think those values would influence the way employees do their work. 1.

Create Fun and A Little Weirdness. This value would want actually make the employee WANT to come to work and look forward to it as well. 2. Build Open and Honest Relationships with Communication.

This would allow them to accomplish much more than they would otherwise.2. Using the list of corporate values and Exhibit2-4, describe Zappos' organizational culture. In which areas would you say that Zappos' culture is very high (or typical)? Explain.

I believe the most typical thing you would see in all organization is to pursue growth and learning.3. How did Zappos' corporate culture begin? Hsieh invited 300 employees to list core values that the culture should be based on and from there the 10 values continue to run the organization.4. How is Zappos' corporate culture maintained? Zappos' maintains this type of culture with a "complex web of human interactions", in other words, using the social media to link employees with each other and their customers.

5. "The right culture with the right values will always produce the best organizational performance." What do you think of this statement? Do you agree? Why or why not? I wholeheartedly agree with this statement, our performance depends on how the organization6. What could other companies learn from Tony Hsieh and Zappos' experiences? Other companies can learn the following from Tony Hsieh and Zappos'.