(a) The way I like to take notes on TU100 is to firstly jot down words are phrases I think may be useful, I do this while reading the material for the first time. Once I have completed a section I then go back through it, looking for more things that might now seem important.

I also after recently discovering the use of spray diagrams during TU100, use these as they provide a quick visual reminder of the topics and content I have covered.(b) Britain seeks to opt-out of new European social media privacy laws. Notes and key points: Right to be forgotten laws, giving users the right to erase personal information from online service providers. Britain attempting to opt out. Increasing numbers of internet users complain that their online reputation is in jeopardy due to information about them being readily available and hard to remove.

New legislation is Estimating to save £1.9 bn per year.Britain is asking for one rule for themselves and one for others. The UK government would like more flexibility about how it is adopted. The European commission state that the right to be forgotten would not be absolute, freedom of expression and other rights would not be effected.

It would give users the rights to remove content from social media sites like Facebook etc that they find outdated, malicious or damaging to their reputation. Concerns that data that has moved to third party sites would be significantly more difficult to enforce. The rights would not apply to journalistic achieves, comments on articles or posted by bloggers.