My Hispanic heritage plays an important role in my life. It defines me as a person and it influences my behavior. Traditional Hispanic values consist of honesty, respect, love, courage, caring and fairness which were instilled in me by my mother from a very young age.

Because of these teachings, I am a better person and a good citizen. These values are of great importance and will be handed down to the next generation. Two values that are especially important to Hispanic families are their diversity and their family values.First of all, one reason that Hispanic heritage plays an important role in my life is because of its diversity. There are many different types of families and cultures that have many different types of morals. For example, one of the different cultures would be Colombians.

Colombians are family-oriented and are well known for their music and dance, which is Salsa. Hispanic families like to stick together no matter the situation. My mother always told me that my sisters and I must stick together because we are all that we have.No matter how large or small the situation is, we would get through anything as long as we leaned on each other. Another reason why Hispanic heritage plays an important role in my life would have to be for the family values instilled in me from a young age. My mother always taught me that I must always speak when entering a room; greeting people, saying please and thank you, respecting your elders, and being caring and respectful.

Family values define me as a person and have taught me how to build strong family relationships.I have many different types of relationships with my family members. My sisters and I have a very close bond, and my mother and I are like best friends. In conclusion, my Hispanic heritage defines me as a person, and it has influenced my behavior.

My mother raised my sisters and me right; she taught us how to be honest, loyal, loving, caring, and respectful. I wouldn't trade my roots for the world; I am proud to say that I am Hispanic. A person should never disown their roots nor be embarrassed of where they came from.