Motivation can be a very powerful thing. It is used to give individuals accountability, direction, persistence and more effort in what they are doing or trying to achieve. An employee who is highly motivated works hard and their job and shows enjoyment in what they are doing. As a health care manager you play a large role in how motivated your employees are in doing assigned tasks, reaching goals along with daily duties.

As a health care manager I would implement the following motivational method techniques in order to keep good productivity, satisfied employees and good team work skills.One motivational technique that I would use is motivation through self- confidence. When individuals have a high level of self- confidence and self- esteem it reflects in a positive way in all that they do. I would use various techniques like implementing passion and pleasure in what they do at work.

Giving rewards helps employees to want to do more they are pleasing and help to keep employees eager to work while it also keeps productivity high. Recognizing and giving performance incentives gives employees a more willingness desire to give more to the company while earning something for these selves.As a manger being clear not only the job duties they are responiable for but also in the instructions that I am giving helos employees to understand my expecitations, giving detailed instructions, including being specific in what my expectations are gives a clear cut expectation on what I am expecting out of my staff. Keeps employees not only informed but it eliminates confusion.

Setting long term and short term goals both help to guide employees in what is they are reaching for and it also gives them some accountability along with receiving incentives for accomplishing the goals they set.It also gives a manger a way to tract where their employees strengths and weaknesses are and how as a manger I can help my employees learn and grow in their working environment. By showing kindness and respect to your employees makes them want to give the same kind of behavior back to you. Being able to be open and honest to them also helps them to open up to you. They are more willing to give you feedback and keep you aware of things that are going on while you are not around, this will help to eliminate occurrences or errors in the working environment.

Making work fun and enjoyable makes will help employees to feel like they are not at work, giving a positive and fun environment will help to improve higher results. This can also go along with implying team spirit, by having team spirit in the work environment helps employees feel like they are part of the team they try to apply themselves more so they are not letting other team members down. This helps to keep the work load even and fair when all employees are giving the same amount of time and effort into their job it makes things run more smoothly.Making a point to recognize employees when they achieve helps employees to see that there hard work is not being ignored, this also helps to give employees the incentive to not only be more but to do more. It has been shown that most people are more productive right before a big deadline.

I can use this to my advantage by implementing and setting up mini deadlines to help keep my employees motivated and working hard. This will also help them to concentrate and stay focused on outcomes. Most people do not work well when someone is standing over their shoulder telling them what to do.By giving employee an opportunity to cut loose and get jobs done on their own gives them a since of self- accomplishment and helps them to learn to work on hard while accomplishing tasks on their own. This also opens a window to create opportunities giving employees the opportunity to advance and do more encourages them to see that hard work and determination does pay off.

Lastly giving employees the opportunity to do more various tasks by mixing things up helps to give employees a more stimulating environment.This will helps to motivate employees and help them to work with more enthusiasm which opens a bigger picture for employees to see the results they are accomplishing. All of the following motivational tasks will have to be implemented through good channels of communication. When managers are aware of potential problems they can be fixed before a more serious dispute or occurrence occurs. Communication plays a big part in employee and manager relationships.Having good communication skills with you employees by setting boundaries helps them to see and know the expectations.

It also lets them know and see that they can talk to their manager openly. By never demanding or using threats to employees you will help to prevent and eliminate employees from turning against you as the manger. However you do need to make employees aware that negative behavior will result in consequences. Employees who never get their act together will have to learn that they will never achieve the end results of what they are searching for.In conclusion by being able to see you employee’s strengths and weakness through helping them set goals and achieve the goals set in place will help them grow as individuals.

All of the methods listed above all lead to self- esteem and how individuals perceive themselves when a person feels good about themselves it affects the outcomes of their daily responsibilities. Treating employees with kindness and respect will encourage them to give me as the manger the same kind of kindness and respect that I give to them.By making work a fun productive atmosphere helps employees to have passion for what they do. I have heard people say that if you love what you do you will never work another day in your life.

Keeping good communication will keep a good relationship with a manger and her employees to know what is expected. I have heard that 90% of employees don’t leave a job because they do not like their job, they leave because of how they are treated by their manager. By applying the following things discussed in this paper will help me to keep good productive employees.