I know you have been in so much pain due to my selfish attitude in the past but today, the main reason why am writing to you, is to apologise for all my immature actions and behaviour that was uncalled for.

Eva, I know I have really placed a dark cloud into your life but I couldn’t help controlling the situation. I know you might be thinking that I am mean or egocentric but really none of these words best describe me. How I wish I could go back in time to show you I’m much better person now than I used to be.I have tormented myself all through the night battling with my conscious thoughts.

I won’t deny having a hand in your death. Hearing that I was supposed to have a baby with you almost made me pierce myself with a long sharp needle like knife. My mother attitude towards you and my unborn child has put me into an imaginary thought of why she turn you down, I know my mother can be so self satisfied and naive, but she shouldn’t have done it to a shop girl who is pregnant, forgive me for being rude and direct but that is the truth.Sheila attitude towards you was bad and disgusting but that couldn’thave lead to your death, although she was so jealous about you, and my father who looks like a mute person when it comes to apologising. Am not trying not to admit the fact that my family and I, are not responsible for your death, but the reputation of my family is so high and desirable, therefore I think the notorious act was done to avoid the reputation from being tarnished. After the inspector investigated my family I hated the all especially my mum who down the request of you and my unborn child.

No one was exceptional including Gerald who was also found guilty of cheating on my sister with you On the other hand, Eva you also contributed to your death, you never trusted anyone not even me. Keeping everything to yourself couldn’t solve your problem, could it? Instead it led you to six feet below the ground. By now you might be thinking am being rude but I am actually living in pains, you didn’t consider anyone but yourself before doing your painful act. What were you thinking before drinking the disinfectant? Were you thinking it was sparkling water or what?