----------------------- Radio Broadcast Leaves citizens Petrified On October 30, the well-known Orson Welles from Mercury Theatre broadcasted a story from New York City called War of the Worlds. This story is about a Martian invasion. But Welles only mentioned that it was a story at the beginning of the broadcast. The broadcast was so realistic that for those who tuned in later thought it was real, that there had been a Martian invasion.

Martians in the streets and a spaceship landing on a New Jersey farm…this through panic into the streets and many American citizens fled the country to protect themselves against the Martian invasion. Listeners also heard that the Martians were setting everything and everyone on fire, including a reporter. Even more terrifying, the listeners also heard that the Martians had killed 7000 soldiers and were making their way across New Jersey, killing everything in their path. 0 % of the radios interrupted the broadcast after they heard of the commotion and panic they were causing. They simply ended the program by letting listeners know that simple earth bacteria had killed the Martians.

But why wouldn’t it be true? People depend on the radio for facts and information. So because you heard it on the radio, why wouldn’t you believe it? After all, it was on the radio. [pic] [pic]Orson Welles broadcasting War of the Worlds [pic] [pic] The Smith Family Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code Phone number E-mail address Page 2 [Put photo caption here] [pic]