Biosystems Engineering is an Australian engineering consultancy, specializes in technological research and development for different sectors including agriculture, food forestry, water and energy.

This marketing plan will help to identify the external and the internal environment of the firm and how its competence over other firms in the market will enable its growth in the future. The report contains an analysis of the different marketing strategies which will enhance the firm’s smooth operations resulting in higher customer awareness.The financial limitations are also taken in consideration while constructing this plan to have accurate measurements in terms of profit and losses. The contingency planning will help in resolving the predicted issues and difficulties that may arise in the process of implementing the plan.

Lastly, the plan is set in a way that it will have its effects on the firm’s internal operations as well as the international marketing techniques that are currently operational in doing business with.The foreign markets are also targeted in order to achieve maximum expansion. Biosystems engineering technology design, research equipment, analysis and evaluation has been engaged in these past projects. Currently working on the prototype of Short rotation woody crop harvester also known as the – Bionic Beaver.

The Biosystems engineering products have been well received, and marketing will serve as a key to the development of brand and product awareness as well as the growth of the customer base.The firm offers several different services including rapid prototyping, project management, modelling, forensic engineering and novel design concepts. Australian market has an environmental opportunity of growing a local, waste-fed biofuels market, which would help them overcome the shock of fluctuations of oil prices and fossil fuel availability.Biosystems engineering firm aims to create technology to provide safe and plentiful food to eat, pure water to drink, clean fuel and energy, and a healthy and safe environment in which to live. Their mission is to develop and disseminate engineering knowledge to solve systems problems in agriculture, food, forestry, natural resources and the environment.Biosystems Engineering possesses good information about the market and knows a great deal about the common attributes of potential and loyal customers.

The firm will leverage this information to better understand who is served, their specific needs, and how Biosystem Engineering can better communicate with them. Biosystems engineering is part of a new, rapidly developing discipline. Currently the market that the biosystems has been catering with reference to its harvester is the foreign markets of Brazil, Latin America, British Columbia and Scandinavia. As these countries show great potential of growth in the in the biomass-based industry.Customer requirements are the first thing which is ensured while designing the woody crop so that it fulfills its purpose in the manner most efficient and effective. Planning matrix ensures that all competitors are studied well in terms of their size and market share to cater the competition more precisely.

The top consists of the technical requirements in which the latest technology has been used to achieve maximum output out of minimum input thus resulting in higher returns on investment.Referring to woody crop harvester the inter-relationships of its design with its features have the correct collaboration which enables it to produce pellets like no other machinery around the world. . The Roof addresses the bionic beaver flaws in its design due to which it cannot be operative for long operational hours will be kept under consideration and rectified in the future models. Targets are clear and in position which is mainly to enhance performance on continuous basis.The location that best serves the purpose of the bionic beaver and is in high demand for such equipment which can support functions of producing pellets or crude oil at the moment is the Brazilian peninsula as it is a tropical / temperate climate with arable land and more than 2.

1 billion acres of forests and agriculture. The economy is boosting with respect to green business and is more than likely to absorb equipment as woody crop which will be of great use for upcoming projects that will be based on biomass fuels.Before determine the promotion strategies, we need to very clear about what are the objectives we need to achieve. We know as above, the missions are to promote Biomass harvester in Australia & in Brazil and increase the sales quarterly.

It is very new for biomass; they feel fresh with this new brand and concept of this harvester. So first of the objective for promotion strategies are aims to create brand awareness and concept/knowledge of this new product. This is the pioneer product in the world and burst into the worldwide market in the short time.But still is the new brand for the world, so we do the advertisement and organize the event or campaign in sufficient detail to establish the good brand attitudes. Brand awareness is important to provide a foundation for brand equity. After that, our second objective is knowledge and persuasive.

We aim to create liking, preference, conviction, and purchase of a product. Beside that we will convince current purchasers that we will give the potential customer to enjoying the good experience with Bio System Engineering by giving them free maintenance service for 1 year.The firm aim to inform the world this is the innovation in woody crop harvesting in the world and persuade to buy product due to this harvester is cheaper, useful, all in good quality and also environment friendly by developing an advertising program. First step we start before lunching bionic Beaver, the firm should do the online advertisement by creating a Web site to better communicate with the customers.

In the Web site, the firm should post the photo categories and videos to provide customers the information and special features of product and bring them inside the company. In addition to photos and videos, the web site links to recent news about Bionic Beaver and space for public feedback. This is a cheapest and good way to build up brand awareness.Television advertisement is very expensive but this is the most powerful to perform the product to the public by demonstrating Bionic Beavers attributes and persuasively explaining their corresponding consumer benefits. By lower advertising budget, the firm cannot do the TV advertisement in whole day, so it must just choose the prime time to place the advertisement. By properly designed and executed TV advertisement can improve brand equity and affect sales and profits.