Mao’s last dancer is a true story of Li Cunxin.

Li came from an extremely poor family in a small village in China. When Li was only a young boy, he was selected to study at the Begjin dance academy to learn to be a dancer. When arrived in Begjin, the children right away started ballet trainin, they were also given education but the main focus was studying to be a ballerina. Li was then chosen to visit America for three months to train with the Houston ballet Academy. Li then fell in love with an American girl, Liz, and also America.Li is with the Chinese communist and is required to return except if he gets married to a U.

S. citizen. Li gave up everything to stay in America. The government allowed him to live in America, but cannot go back to China ever. Li was known all over the world as a ballet soloist. He stayed with the Houston ballet for sixteen years.

Li’s parents came to America to watch him dance, he was so happy to finally see his parents again. He then married Mary Mckendry and lived in Australia with their two children. Main Characters: Chi Cao – Li Cunxin Bruce Greenwood – Ben StevensonKyle Maclachlan- Charles Foster Amanda Schull – Elizabeth Mackey Facts:1. Li was born in Qingdao, China.2. At the Beijing Dance Academy, Li trained ballet from 5:30 a.

m. to 9:00 p. m. 6 days a week.3. Li had six brothers.

4. China were communist at the time.5. Mao Zhedong was China’s leader.6.

Li danced with the Houston Ballet Academy for 16 years.7. Peasants made about 50 dollars a year.8. Li danced with the Houston Ballet Academy in 1995.

9. Li fell in love 3 different times during the movie.10. Chinese couldn’t say anything bad about their government What happened during the movie: